US President Donald Trump has recently implemented a string of confinements aimed at containing China’s rise. Cross-Strait tension jumped after the US signed the ”Taiwan Travel Act” into law in March, encouraging official visits between the US and China’s Taiwan at all levels. Months later the Trump administration ignited further turmoil by imposing the first set of tariffs on Chinese imports worth 34 billion US dollars on July 6. US Customs and Border Protection has begun collecting the additional duties. Also, the 10 Chinese high-tech industries that the US Trade Representative listed for potential tariffs are all part of the Made in China 2025 plan. During the World Peace Forum, I was glad to sit with Kathleen Stephens, a former US ambassador to the Republic of Korea; and Cheng Li, the director of the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution.
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Will US Attempts At Containing China Work?
Hi there. A string of multi-tool confinement on containing China’s rise has been taken by President Trump recently. Crossfield Tyson jumped after theU.S. sign to the Tiven Title Act into law in March encouraging official visits to the United States and times Taiwan at all levels. Months later the Trump administration has ignited a further turmoil by imposing the first set of tariffs on Chinese imports worth stiffle billion dollars. On July 6U.S. Customs and Border Protection have begun collecting the additional duties. Also the Chinese high tech industries whichU.S. trade representative listed Tofel potential terrorists are all part of the Made in China 2025 plan during the World Peace Forum. I was glad to sit down with Kathleen Stevens. He’s a formerU.S. ambassador to the OK and Chen the director of the Johnsonian China Center at the Brookings Institution. This is dialogue I’m yang right.
Welcome to dialogue. Thank you. Lovely to be here. Let’s take a closer look at theU.S. China relationship the most consequential one for a century as you said. China is the powerhouse of the world economy coloreds. So has the United States of course under the leadership of Donald Trump. The issue is we don’t like each other. It seems that we’re just like China. Communist leadership in China. China says you have done too much to defeat without Ledet undecided in China. It’s just an evolution. Absolutely non-negotiable interfere with China’s industrial policies. We have the old system you got your own less respect each other. But on the top says no Putin says no. Jumblatt is no China. We don’t like each other but do we have any alternatives to peaceful coexistence either.
No I don’t think we have an all right are the alternatives to peaceful coexistence are bad. We need to work for that as hard as it is and it makes me very sad. I have to say I didn’t hear you describe our relationship like that. I’m not saying that is incorrect but I first came to China in 1980 as as a fresh diplomat so excited to be coming to China right after normalization and to come back to Beijing now almost 40 years later. It is a very moving experience as always has to come back to China to see what the Chinese people have achieved to think if I may say that thatU.S. China relations had a role and this extraordinary great success of the 20th and now the 21st century. But no we have to find a way to accommodate each other to work together. I personally don’t think that tariffs are the way to do it. That trade wars are desirable is very dismaying to see that. But I will say to you in all frankness I hope as a friend that I think one of the reasons why in the United States that it gets some positive response is because one of what you mentioned earlier there’s a sense that people feel they’ve been in the United States that certain sectors have been whether this is correct or not it’s a very deep feeling that they have been unfairly disadvantaged victimized by the trends of globalization and trade. And secondly that hasn’t been a level playing field. So I think that our leadership we do need good political leadership that can try to look at the broad picture try to see that. I think there is an underpinning in my Saby to if I may say of a strong people to people attract I don’t agree that we don’t like each other. We’re both big countries and we still have more Chinese students the United States than any other enterprise. So you know we have a way through this.
I fully appreciate your positive sentiments towards this relationship between our two countries. Hiver young students who came back from the scene states in the mid.