With student debt rising rapidly, selecting the right educational program for you is becoming a heavier decision. Not only is it a long time investment, but now it is a significant financial commitment as well. Perhaps that is why great numbers of students opt for more affordable post-secondary institutions like Vista College to enhance their learning experiences in a smaller community. However, according to some entrepreneurs, getting an official education is not necessary. But is this really true? It is not every day you will be able to interact with top-notch academics who are willing to teach you the tricks of the trade. Before you decide that you’re going to pursue a career in the business field, you need to know: what makes a business degree so valuable in today’s job market?
A Higher Standard
A Business Management Bachelor’s Degree is no doubt a degree of high value when used appropriately. But money aside, a business degree should equip you with the skills you need when entering the workforce. A common goal among business students and new graduates is to move up the corporate ladder. As someone who is considering which degree to pursue, think about all the factors that drive you towards a goal aside from the financial motivation. The working hours, the stability of the job, the people you work with, how your responsibilities will be delegated – all of which are fair reasons.
Indeed, a driving factor that makes business degrees as valuable as they are today is the application of business in every industry. There is a common misconception that business is only about money and profit, but this is far from the truth. Many who have sought out business education are now pursuing careers as social entrepreneurs and working in non-profit organizations. The skills of a business degree at large do not adhere to the stereotypical standards of what a business person should be. It is, in fact, flexible enough for you to make what you want of it. Whether it be accounting or marketing, these skills are valuable because luxury fashion brand names need them – and so does public health care.
It Pays for Itself
Business degrees are not meant to hold anyone back in life when it comes to student debt. According to a report from the Federal Bank of New York, business degrees do end up paying for themselves within a few years of graduation, which is far beyond what some other degrees are able to offer in levels of salary. The report states that business degree holders earn over 17 percent in return over the last decade. This high level of return is not at all based on the name of the degree; it is based on business school graduates outperforming their counterparts. Looking at this data, it’s obvious that business degrees get part of their value, if not all, from the educations they are able to provide their students.
A Business Management Bachelor’s Degree also puts its graduates on the fast track to getting their Master’s of Business Administration Degree. Like other bodies of knowledge, it is essential for students to learn business in an orderly manner. A Bachelor’s degree in business will give you just the right edge to compete with applicants of other disciplines. Where does this edge come from? Business degrees are not only concerned about knowledge but also how you can apply the knowledge. That is why great business schools provide job opportunities for their students while still in school. In being able to explore different career options before you approach graduation, a business degree will help guide you in the right direction.
Career Preparation, Above and Beyond
An important point to note is that a valuable degree requires effort and diligence. A polished resume, solid skills and knowledge, and competitive grades is the minimum bar all degree holders must leap over before setting foot in any organization. Business schools also do a higher rate of career preparation compared to other educational programs to prepare students for challenges faced like interviews and networking.
Business school encourages a healthy curiosity of business knowledge and beyond. While it is true you can always establish your own network of professionals, business schools in themselves are strong networks of alumni. These alumni, just like you, went through the same program and went on to lead the same careers that you intend to pursue. This should show you not only how valuable a business degree is, but also how achievable and within reach your goals are. Trust in yourself to make the right decision when it comes to the Bachelor’s degree you will be pursuing. The next step will be choosing among the vast specializations that business degrees have to offer.