AirPods sticker prank causes many to do a double-take

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A prank involving stickers that look like Apple’s AirPods has gone viral over social media. The AirPods sticker prank took many San Francisco residents by surprise over the weekend.

AirPods sticker prank infuriates some

Artist Pablo Rochat printed out sheets of stickers that are the same size as the AirPods and stuck them to the ground all over the city. He then laid in wait close to the place where he put the stickers down and waited for people to notice them. Some pedestrians even tried to pick them up, but they were frustrated to discover that it was just a sticker rather than a real AirPod.

Later he tweeted about his AirPods sticker prank:

People responded to his tweets about the AirPods sticker prank by calling it “pure evil.” Rochat told Business Insider that he wanted to make people do a double-take, adding that while most found the prank to be funny, some people were angry about it.

“It was fun to watch people walk by the stickers, do a double take, and occasionally bend over to try to pick the AirPods up,” he told Business Insider.

You may be wondering how anyone could think a sticker on the ground is the real deal, but Rochat used high-resolution images to prepare his stickers.

How to repeat the joke in your area

If you want to replicate the AirPods sticker prank in your city or town, you can download a sticker template from Rochat’s website here. He has included stickers for both the standard AirPods and the more expensive AirPods Pro with noise-cancellation technology.

Some people who responded to his tweet about the prank even offered their own twists. For example, one person said they have a 3D printer, so they could go about printing out fake AirPods to place on the ground. That would really take the prank to the next level.

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