The World Of Activist Investing In April by Activist Insights
A total of 96 companies worldwide were publicly subjected to activist demands in April 2016, one more than in the same period last year. Please note that the above includes governance-related shareholder proposals. Data on primary focus activists can be provided on request (as well as an explanation of the categories we use).
As part of its flagship publication, Activism Monthly Premium, data provider Activist Insight will now be publishing a monthly fact sheet containing key statistics from the world of activist investing. The numbers will be taken from our database on the first working day of the month, thus covering the past month in its entirety. The fact sheet below includes data from April 2016 and year-to-date.
Activist Investing
Other data points of note include:
- Activist-owned equities totalled $262 billion at the end of April 2016.
- 75 activists made public demands in April 2016, down from 79 in the same month last year.
For more information or if you have queries about the data, please contact Josh Black using the above details.
About Activist Insight
Since 2012, Activist Insight has provided its diverse range of clients with the most comprehensive information on activist investing worldwide. Regularly quoted in the financial press, Activist Insight is the trusted source for data in this ever-evolving space. Activist Insight offers two great products: Activist Insight Online and Activism Monthly Premium magazine, and counts many of the world’s leading investment banks, law firms, shareholder communications firms and institutional investors as its clients.