Why Cloud Migration Is So Important for Companies

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Increasingly, companies are investing in cloud migrations. But why is this kind of digital transformation so valuable and so important? And what’s the best way to handle a cloud migration in a company of your own?

What Is Cloud Migration?

Let’s start with a basic description of cloud migration. Essentially, a cloud migration is the process of transferring your digital assets to cloud-based infrastructure.

Your “digital assets” here could be a wide variety of different business elements, such as your data, workflows, apps, and other IT resources.

“Cloud-based infrastructure” is a system that relies on the cloud. In other words, instead of relying on local data equipment, you’ll be relying on the cloud services of a third-party. Your data and digital assets will be stored in a massive data center, or data warehouse, and distributed wherever you need them; as long as you have internet access, you’ll be able to store, modify, and access all your digital needs whenever you want.

The cloud migration process can be a tricky one, especially if you’re used to your existing system of digital asset management. But once complete, your company will be much more streamlined.

The Benefits of Migrating to the Cloud

So what are the benefits of migrating to the cloud?

  • Security. One of the most important considerations is security. If you’re locally hosting all your digital assets, they’re going to be vulnerable to a wide range of different threats, including cyberattacks and natural disasters. But if you work with a cloud services provider, your partner will be responsible for storing and protecting your digital assets. You’ll have access to secure, encrypted data storage locations and multiple backups around the world. You can also invest in cloud security software to keep your data even more secure.
  • Agility. It doesn’t take much time or effort to get set up with a cloud service. Instead of taking the time to create your own data servers, your own maintenance schedule, and other systems, you can subscribe to a service offered by an existing professional. Additionally, you can change your approach rapidly once you’re already in the cloud, responding with agility to any new problem that happens to arise.
  • Accessibility. One of the top benefits of migrating to the cloud is accessibility. When you have your digital assets hosted in the cloud, anyone can access them at any time – assuming they have an internet connection. They can work from anywhere, remotely logging in from a laptop, computer, or mobile device.
  • Reduced cost. Though cloud services do come with a monthly subscription fee, they typically help companies save money in the long term. You don’t have to buy your own equipment or make your own repairs, and you’ll suffer fewer losses; in the long run, this more than pays for the subscription service cost.
  • Reduced maintenance. In line with this, you won’t be responsible for your own maintenance. You can reduce your IT staffing needs, saving more money in the process, and never worry that a poor maintenance schedule will interfere with your company’s long-term plans.
  • Legal compliance. Working with a cloud services provider can also make it easier to remain legally compliant. If you need to comply with certain security or privacy regulations to serve your customers better, you can lean on your cloud services provider to help you get what you need.
  • Scalability and flexibility. Another major advantage of the cloud is scalability. Cloud services providers typically have flexible plan offerings; you can use as much or as little of their assets as you require. Accordingly, if you’re a small business or if you’re just starting out, you can take advantage of an inexpensive, entry-level plan. As you grow or if your plans change, you can expand your service plan – without having to change cloud providers. It’s a seamless experience to grow your business once you’re in the cloud.
  • Future proofing. Migrating to the cloud is also a way of future-proofing your business. If you continue making modular modifications to your existing tech systems, you’ll quickly become outclassed by your competition. Transferring to the cloud can help you keep up in the modern era and make it easier for you to respond to new tech developments in the future. Plus, your cloud services provider will likely continue evolving, so you always have access to the latest tech upgrades and best practices.

Beginning a Cloud Migration

Despite these advantages, migrating to the cloud can sometimes be challenging. If your team is reluctant to change or if you have significant digital assets to transfer, you’ll need to spend time preparing for the changeover. But once it’s complete, your company will save money, improve security, and increase efficiency and productivity as well.