Amanda Frances, Self-Made Multi-Millionaire Money Queen, provides tips on dealing with card debt in 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
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Tips To Use Card Debt To Work For You In 2021
Here are 4 tips for how you can use card debt to work for you, even during a financial crisis:
Ask To Have Your Interest Rates Lowered
You can actually call and ask your credit card companies to lower your interest rates. Students in my financial empowerment courses have been doing this for years. Remember: The worst they can say is, “No.” Even if they do, you’ll know you’ve taken an action toward taking control of this situation.
Be Thankful For Credit
Debt isn’t good or bad. Debt is a choice to pay something off over time. Debt allowed you to pay for things you needed or wanted at some previous time.
If you used credit to get you through a tough time or develop a new skill or business, that’s something to be grateful for. If you need credit to buy essentials right now — like food or household goods — use it. Now is the time to utilize all of the resources available to you not only survive, but maybe even thrive in the current circumstances.
Remember, all of this is temporary. Jobs will come back, the economy will recover, and financial increase will occur. You will go back to paying on your credit cards as normal sooner than you think.
Don’t Assume There's No Way To Make Extra Money
People are still making money right now. Many are using the internet in new and necessary ways. Discomfort is a breeding ground for creativity. Maybe your graphic design hobby is needed by an online entrepreneur right now. Or perhaps your copywriting skills can lead to a blog or creative business venture you’ve never thought of or needed to think of before.
Be willing to open yourself up to the possibility of money coming to you in a way you previously had not explored. Your debt can be paid down and your bank account can grow - even now.
Financial Struggles Are Scary
There is a difference between feeling the fear and being overwhelmed by the fear. I work with people every single day on creating a new financial reality and relationship with their finances. I know this for sure: You are capable. You can do it. You are resourceful.
Do not be overwhelmed by your credit card debt, know that this will pass, that credit is a resource to be used, and that you will be okay. This is true in any circumstances — including a pandemic or a global crisis.
About Amanda Frances
Amanda Frances is a world-renowned thought leader on financial empowerment for women. Through her wildly popular digital courses, highly engaging social media presence, the weekly "And She Rises" podcast, an on-going mastermind for high level women entrepreneurs, and through her daily free inspirational content, meditations, and training distributed across her social media channels... she empowers women to "designing lives and businesses they are wildly obsessed with." She has written for Forbes, Business Insider and Success Magazine.