FOX Business Network (FBN) Senior Correspondent Charlie Gasparino reports that BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is telling people that former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner could be the next Federal Reserve Chairman. We earlier tweeted this news (about which there has been some speculation about for quite some time).
FBN NEWS: BLK CEO Larry Fink telling people “dont rule out” Geithner as new Fed chief even as he woos him to come to big money manager 325
— Charles Gasparino (@CGasparino) June 18, 2013
Excerpts from the report regarding Tim Geithner are below.
On who might be the next chair of the Federal Reserve:
“There is a lot of talk about who might be the next Fed chairman. [BlackRock CEO] Larry Fink is saying it could be [former Treasury Secretary] Tim Geithner. He’s not a bad choice, he ran the Treasury Department and BlackRock is very close to the Treasury Department. Fink is telling friends on the street not to rule out Geithner.”