Samsung Galaxy S III is breaking a record of preorder sales in the United Kingdom. In a recent report from the Inquirer, this phone has smashed records of preorder sales from carrier Vodaphone and retail store Carphone. This could be their most successful phone model yet, even more successful than previous models.
Their new version of Galaxy is a much-improved version of the previous Galaxy model. This new model features an impressive 4.8 HD Super AMOLED screen, Android 4.04 Ice Cream Sandwich software, rear 8 MP camera and front 1.9 MP camera, 16/32/64 GB of storage, Micro SD slot, and more. This phone is slated to arrive to U.S. stores later on this summer although it can currently be pre-ordered via Amazon for a small fortune.
The success of Samsung’s line of Galaxy phones can be attributed to the fact it runs on Android, Google’s answer to Apple’s iOS. It also offers access to thousands of popular mobile applications including Instagram, Angry Birds, Draw Something,, Facebook, and many more.
Many people speculate that Samsung changed the Galaxy in order to get around the patent lawsuits and infringement allegation from their largest competitor Apple. Samsung later explained to many reporters that the design for the new model was actually part of a long-term plan. The Galaxy S III has generated a lot of excitement but it’s also inspired mixed feelings from many.
There is little doubt that this smartphone will be a big seller when it arrives here in the United States. It’s got a sleek style, plenty of innovative features, and the Android software that people like. I’ll make a prediction that this will be the gadget of the summer and maybe even gadget of the year if Apple fails to impress with their iPhone which is expected to arrive in stores in October.