Sales And Earnings Growth Estimates Jump, Led By Japan
The three-month change in the median sales and earnings growth estimates for developed world companies have jumped significantly over the last couple of weeks:
Regionally, growth estimates for the average company in DM Americas has actually fallen, while those for DM EMEA are not all that impressive:
Growth in sales and earnings estimates for companies in DM Asia is the real driver of the overall increase:
Among the four DM Asia countries, the real stand-out with respect to upgrades to sales and earnings expectations is Japan, followed to a lesser extent by Singapore:
Changes in sales and earnings estimates are consistently near the top of the most important factors explaining equity performance, and the last three months has been no exception:
Which means there is little surprise to see that the four countries that make up our DM Asia region dominate the “top” (least negative, that is) performers over the last several months: