The term billionaire is not that old. In fact, before the very end of the 20th Century, the very idea that someone could own a billion dollars was ludicrous. Now, though, there are thousands of billionaires in the world. While a lot of them got to where they are because of privilege and inherited wealth, many billionaires came from decidedly poor origins. A big example of this is Oprah Winfrey, who as a black woman of poor origins is a member of possibly the single most disenfranchised group of people in the world. In spite of her humble upbringings, Winfrey now has a multi billion dollar media empire and is one of the most recognizable faces in the world.
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Learning from her can allow people from all kinds of backgrounds to reach for the stars and attain a similar level of success. The infographic below, created by DigitalInformationWorld contains a dozen of quotes from some of the most fabulously wealthy billionaires in the world, all of whom were not born with the sort of wealth they ended up with. These words of wisdom can give you a pretty fascinating look into how you can think about money in a different way. One of the factors that affects how rich you end up getting, according to some of the billionaires that have been quoted below, is the way you think about money in the first place. The quotes provided below can help you better understand the billionaire mindset.