Olshan Frome Wolosky again leads law firm rankings, while Okapi Partners and Innisfree M&A tie proxy solicitor table.
Olshan Frome Wolosky‘s shareholder activism practice, headed by Steve Wolosky and Andrew Freedman, ran 100 activist campaigns over the past 12 months to top Activist Insight Monthly’s rankings for the fourth successive year. Fellow activist defenders Schulte Roth & Zabel came in second, while Vinson & Elkins placed third with the highest number of defense assignments of any law firm.
Q3 hedge fund letters, conference, scoops etc
Among proxy solicitation firms, Okapi Partners will have to share last year’s crown with Innisfree M&A. Both firms finished on 34 campaigns in Activist Insight Monthly’s rankings – only one ahead of third-placed MacKenzie Partners.
This is the fourth consecutive year Activist Insight has published its listings of law firms and proxy solicitors who make their livings from activism. The following records are derived from public announcements – proxy statements, regulatory filings, and press releases – supplemented by the records of the firms themselves. To be included, a campaign must have seen the company in question subjected to a public demand by an activist from November 1, 2017, up until October 31, 2018, and the full listings made available on Activist Insight Online. Several firms listed operate internationally – the data included are global where possible.
About Activist Insight
Since 2012, Activist Insight (www.activistinsight.com) has provided its diverse range of clients with the most comprehensive information on activist investing worldwide. Regularly quoted in the financial press, Activist Insight is the trusted source for data in this evolving space. Activist Insight offers five industry-leading products: Activist Insight Online, Activist Insight Governance, Activist Insight Vulnerability – a tool for identifying potential activist targets – Activist Insight Shorts, and Activist Insight Monthly – the world’s only magazine dedicated to activist investing.