Netflix said it has not made any changes to its policy for users who access content licensed for streaming in other countries. To be clear, the policy of the streaming giant is that users should not be doing so.
Recent reports to blame
The clarification from Netflix follows a report from that Netflix is hunting the location-altering services. According to the report, Netflix content partners are not happy with the use of VPNs as it means they are losing some potential revenues. This is the reason why the streaming service provider has decided to guard its network against the users of VPNs, claims the report.
TorrentFreak’s report was based on the news that Netflix’s Android app is forcing Google’s free DNS address service onto users, which would make harder to access Netflix via a VPN service. The move from Netflix was meant primarily to enhance stability for streaming users on the platform. However, recent reports interpreted it to mean that the company is cracking down on VPN users, which was not the actual intention of the firm.
Users can access the content of Netflix by spoofing their true identity and location, leaving an impression that the user’s location matches with the country where Netflix content is available.
Netflix clarifies its policy on VPNs
Though the company has not provided detailed information on the situsation, it mentioned in a statement that it has not altered its policy on restricting access to content based on geography.
The statement from Netflix read, “Virtually crossing borders to use Netflix is a violation of our terms of use because of content licensing restrictions.” It further noted that Netflix employs industry standards to restrict such access.
During a CES press briefing in Las Vegas on Tuesday, Netflix’s Chief Product Officer Neil Hunt clarified, “We haven’t changed our VPN policy at all.” Hunt also said that the firm has been using the “same VPN block list that everyone else uses.”
Separately, a report from Motley Fool focuses on the ongoing ‘VPN crisis,’ and provides a detailed explanation. “Some parts of this story are legit,” says the Fool about the report.