Medbox Inc (OTCMKTS:MDBX) is a complete FRAUD says Citron Research
Medbox Inc (OTCMKTS:MDBX) is a complete FRAUD. Management has created a culture of fraud around the company that is detailed by Citron Research
It seems like every aspect of this billion-dollar-market cap business is laced with outrageous examples of intentional deception.
Citron Research is in our 13th year of publishing investigative research into suspect publicly traded companies. During that span, Citron has exposed more corporate
fraud than any other source on Wall Street. Our published work has focused on
over 150 companies, some with very notable individual investors and firms publicly “on the other side”.
Our writings have warned the public to steer clear of investments rigged to vaporize their cash. All of this writing is available for anyone to evaluate.
Much of our work, especially in our early years of publishing, focused on the sparsely regulated Over-the-Counter and Pink Sheets markets
When it comes to exposing fraud on the Pink Sheets and the OTCBB, Citron has NEVER been wrong. Yes, we know NEVER is a bold statement … but it is what it is.
Introducing Medbox Inc (OTCMKTS:MDBX)
In this report Citron is not going to rehash the numerous law enforcement red flags adorning the bios of the nefarious characters behind MedBox, and their many go-rounds with criminal and civil law enforcement entities. Citron believes these disturbing facts are extremely relevant to investors, but they have been previously detailed very thoroughly by the Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation as well as other media outlets. For those of you who do not know who is running the show, you can read it
Instead, this report will focus on the systemic fraud throughout this company and the stock promotion behind the fraud that has brought this worthless company to a $1 bil + market cap. Yes you read that correctly. There are currently 44,500,750 shares outstanding.
Medbox Final