We announced yesterday that we would post some inspirational video/article to ease tensions in these tough economic times. Everything will be short and try to help us all succeed or think about the important things in life. No political or religious agenda related topics will be posted.
For today………
In December 2009, I was privileged to speak before a large group of business professionals and entrepreneurs in Russia. My topic was, how to Create Your Best Year Ever in 2010.
On that day, I ended by sharing a video my team and I had created to summarize the highlights of what I had taught.
The audience was so moved by the video, many asked if they could have a copy.
Today . . . I am sharing the video with you.
My hope is this video encourages you as well.
Share this video with anyone you know who needs a bit of encouragement and inspiration in these challenging times!
It might make a difference in their day . . . and maybe, just maybe . . . their whole year!