Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK) (BIT:NOK1V) (HEL:NOK1V) is already thinking of a way to improve their Android smartphone. The company recently told The Inquirer that the imaging software kit for Nokia X will likely come soon.
Making way for Nokia’s new phones
This new kit will help application developers create imaging apps designed specifically for their smartphones. Currently, SDK helps developers create imaging apps for both Windows Phone and Windows 8.1 operating systems.
At Mobile World Congress 2014, the company didn’t really showcase Windows Phones. Instead, there was more focus on the Nokia X smartphone lineup which includes Nokia X, Nokia X+, and Nokia XL. These phones will feature the typical apps you would expect from Nokia including music and Here Maps. It will also include more high-end camera apps not found on Nokia’s Lumia handsets.
Nokia talks about SDK sets
Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK) (BIT:NOK1V) (HEL:NOK1V) claims the developers’ kits may arrive to their lineup when the time is right. The vice president of developer relations for the Finland-based phone maker , Amit Patel explained, “On the hardware side, it’s bill of materials, so you may not get a Nokia X handset with a 41MP camera. However, the important thing will be the software manipulation and imaging features, which is going to be something that we can bring down to the low end when the time is right. A lot of those software techniques are actually portable from the high end to the low end. If you’ve got a reasonable processor in the device, you can run a lot of those capabilities. Imaging is of course one of the key differentiators, not just on the Lumia side, but in the affordable smartphone space as well.”
The new lineup includes three phones which offer the best of both worlds: Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK) (BIT:NOK1V) (HEL:NOK1V)’s solid manufacturing and the popular Android operating system. Whether the Finnish tech giant has better luck with their new lineup remains to be seen.