Hottests Links edition for Tuesday afternoon. We hope to make this a regular feature and this is just the first. Feel free to send us feedback on our Hottest Links.
Hottests links for Tuesday June 4th 2013
When will the Fed begin ‘the taper?’ Joe Weisenthal notes that Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE:GS) thinks it could be as early as September. [Business Insider]
Mebane Faber writes about some cool start-ups. [Mebane Faber Research]
Yves Smith: Keynes is dead. Long live his followers. [Naked Capitalism]
Edward Harrison: Look at this chart showing the most undervalued and overvalued property markets in the world. [Credit Writedowns]
Cullen Roche asks is this time different for Japan? [PRAGCAP]
Kate Mackenzie discusses a few reasons behind China’s worrying debt-to-GDP ratio. [FT]
Oliver Mihaljevic on finding the next Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK.A) (NYSE:BRK.B) [Beyond Proxy]
Spin Doctor writes about how Caesars Entertainment Corp (NASDAQ:CZR) is adopting innovative steps to deal with its massive debt pile. [Stock Spinoff]
Check out these points before you decide to invest. [DIV Net]
Why has the Dow risen in each of the past 20 straight Tuesdays? [WSJ], but despite this boy’s wishes the streak has been broken. [Zero Hedge]
Liam Pleven asks Is It Crazy to Be 100% in Stocks? [Total Return/WSJ]
Julian Robertson, Paul Tudor Jones & John Griffin like AT&T, VZ, and other stocks [Market Folly]
Cheap emerging economies. [ValueWalk]
Charles Arthur writes in The Guardian about how Turkish protesters are using encryption software to evade censorship restrictions. [The Guardian]
Byron Acohid notes that Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) hijacker Koobface is on the move again. [USA Today]
Heather Huhman writes about eleven wonderful apps for better task and time management. [Tech Cocktail]
Mark Leonard asks why are Western leaders reluctant to engage Syria in peace talks? [Reuters]
Quentin Fottrell writes about how hotels are cutting costs amid the drop in travel spending. [Market Watch]
Hottests Links LOL
Read an interesting story about how a man who ripped a judge’s wig off is sentenced to 18 months in prison. [The Telegraph]
Justin Bieber epic takedown by Josh Brown. [The Reformed Broker]
Check back tomorrow for more of our hottests links.