Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) has introduced a completely redesigned Compose window in Gmail. This new Compose window pops up in a small window, just like chats. Now it will be really easy for users to compose a new message or reply to an existing message, without opening any separate page.
This new interface is just like a chat window, you can say ‘it’s just bigger and better’. Previously, when you wanted to reference something in another email message, then you had to save the current message as a Draft, and open the old email to read/watch the reference and then again you had to re-open the draft to start writing your message. This wastes time and required extra effort.
With the new Compose message, you can reference to any other emails without ever having to close your draft. You can also write multiple messages or minimize a message to finish it later.
Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) has also added some new features to the Gmail Compose window. It has the ability to easily insert inline images and you can even see the profile pictures of your contacts in auto-complete which helps you to find the right person faster. You can also drag and drop the contacts inside the to, cc and bcc field.
With this feature, you can send compose messages right from your Inbox so that you can read and write at the same time. This feature is currently in preview and you can access it by clicking on “Compose” and then on “Try it now” button that pops up. The page will then refresh and Gmail will show you how it works, so that you can get started with this new feature quickly. For now this feature is added only to Gmail users, and Google Apps users are not getting any such prompt to try out this new feature.
(via: Official Gmail Blog)