Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) is the number one social networking site with the most number of subscribers. But what came as a surprise is that Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s social network, Google+ emerged as the Number 2 social network site in terms of active users, according to a UK research market report by the research firm Trendstream, which updated its Global Web Index this week. It seems Google’s strategy is finally working. You Tube was ranked number three on the basis of most active users. This is the first time Youtube has been place in the Global Web Index.
According to report, the estimated Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) active users were around 693 million in December 2012. Google+ total active users were around 343 million. There was no information about You Tube active users, but as per the chart it was somewhere around 280 million.
Active users of Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) are more active than those on Google+. The active users of Google+ are most probably the same people active on Facebook. Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) is trying to match the speed of Facebook, especially by following the strategy of merging its entire product including Youtube and docs in a single account.
Google+ and YouTube users can be related to each other, but the number of Youtube users cannot be simply merged into the number of Google+ users, increasing the number of Google+ active users to 70 million. But with its sound strategy, Google should take a step to woo YouTube users to become Google+ active users. If this succeeds, it could lead to addition of a significant number of users in Google+ challenging Facebook.
Trendstream in its post compared Facebook’s new graph search to Google. As per the report, there a was sharp decline in the percentage of Facebook users who actively share information about their daily lives which turns out to be a vital source of information for graph search. According to GWI, “Growth of active usage is concentrated in passive or frictionless sharing actions and behaviors, like “purchasing a product or service” or watching a TV show or film, which have grown massively through 2012.”
If the post of Trendstream is to accepted then Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG), in the future, will have an upper hand because in future the definition of social web will be watching or utilizing social data to navigate and discover the web and less on interacting with friends.
Tom Smith of Trendstream wrote that the future will be challenging for Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)’s graph search that entered into partnership with Bing.