Looking For A Business Lawyer? How To Make The Right Choice

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Business lawyers are responsible for handling a range of business issues that protect your company from legal problems as well as protect your investment. Whether you run a business alone or have partners and employees, legal matters require legal assistance from an experienced attorney. It is important to be aware of how and where to find a qualified Business Lawyer that you can work with.

Business Lawyer

Begin the Search Early

Business owners are advised to start looking for lawyers before they actually need help. Running a business effectively involves being able to anticipate your needs and this also applies to choosing an attorney. You should be prepared to find a lawyer for the business before any legal matter arises. Waiting may put you under pressure with limited time when you have a legal issue and cost you more when you need legal help.


  • Get referrals from business colleagues and look around for similar businesses. You will be able to gather lawyer referrals without disclosing any sensitive information about your company or business. One of the best sources of referrals is business owners who have dealt with similar issues.
  • Let people you know or other business owners in the area that you need recommendations for your new business. If you are not directly involved in legal cases with other businesses, you do not need to worry about conflict of interest when seeking attorney referrals.
  • You can use bar associations that provide lists of lawyers and firms, their locations and areas of practice.
  • Ask lawyers that you already know for referrals. An attorney you have previously worked with on another matter may not be able to deal with the legal issues of your business but may know business attorneys who can.


Visit and review the websites of different lawyers. Many lawyers have sites that give their prospective clients insight into their areas of specialty. Take note of the content and general appearance that showcases what you should expect from the attorney. The website should also contain information regarding the academic background and work history of the lawyer. Reading the site will enable you to make an informed decision.

Law Firms

Make a decision regarding whether you want a lawyer who works independently or with a large law firm. The advantage of bigger law firms is that they may offer a variety of legal services for your business. Factors such as the size of your business and funding will determine your choice.


Begin the process of interviewing candidates by selecting a few candidates from you’re your list of recommended lawyers and setting up consultations. The initial consultation gives lawyers the chance to meet clients and discuss their experience. If you have a legal issue, you can use this opportunity to talk about it and some of the details of your case.

Prepare a list of questions that you want to ask the business lawyer that cover aspects such as experience, how long they have practiced, whether they have dealt with a similar problem and how they communicate with their clients.

Article by Walter Moore

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