Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) is catching on fast in Pakistan, where the social media giant now has 9 million users in the country! This is a huge gain from last January, when the country reported 8 million users. It’s almost like five new users joining per second. Third World Strategy created an infographic to offer more insight to this report.
Pakistani Demographics on Facebook
There are 6.4 million Pakistani males on Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) and only 2.7 million Pakistani females. The largest age group, not surprisingly, is the 18-24 demographic. This means that 70 percent of users are 25 years or younger. Pakistan ranks 27th as most popular country on Facebook. There are also 44k new users that join the popular social media website every day. 174K have a birthday within the upcoming week.
About 5.8 percent of the users are either married or in a relationship, whereas 2.2 million users are single. More Pakistani men (57 percent) on Facebook are either married or in a relationship than Pakistani women (43 percent). There are also far more male college graduates (74 percent) than women (26 percent).
This is where it gets even more interesting. More users access Facebook on their feature phones (54 percent) rather than smartphones (46 percent). Of the smartphone users, 67 percent of them use Android, 26 percent use iOS, 5 percent use Blackberry, and 2 percent use WP.
Of the Android users, 39 percent use Samsung, 22 percent use HTC, 8 percent use Sony, and 32 percent use ‘other’. Males often choose Android and females generally opt for iOS. Also, Android users tend to be younger than iOS users. As women get older, they choose iOS over Android. You can check out the full infographic chart for even more interesting facts.
Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) is growing in Pakistan at a fast rate and that’s a good thing for the social media giant. The infographic breaking down the scoop regarding the users is also quite beneficial. It should give Facebook more to work with to help customize their marketing plan for Pakistan.
Source: thirdworldstrategy