Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) recently announced they would remove advertisements from controversial pages that host violent, graphic, or sexual content. This change will be a slow process and will start with a manual review process. It will become automated over time. This also means that Facebook will have to actively prevent advertisements from appearing on the right side of the certain pages or groups.
Facebook Trying to Prevent Clients’ Ads From Displaying on Hate Pages
In a press release for the company, “While we already have rigorous review and removal policies for content against our terms, we recognize we need to do more to prevent situations where ads are displayed alongside controversial Pages and Groups. So we are taking action. Beginning on Monday, we will implement a new review process for determining which Pages and Groups should feature ads alongside their content.
The point of this change is to ensure that advertisements appear in the appropriate pages. Although they have yet to create guidelines to determine what’s questionable and what’s appropriate, it’s an applaudable effort that is sure to please advertisers. Right now, Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) has over one million active advertisers and their contributions help finance the social media giant’s operations.
Major Advertisers Threatened to Withdraw
This decision comes right after complaints were made from department store Marks & Spencer and BSkyB made threats to withdraw their Facebook advertising accounts when their sponsored messages appeared next to questionable content.
Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)’s press release further reminds us that this change won’t take place over night when explaining, “Like any digital platform, we’re not going to be perfect but we will be much better. We’ll continue to work aggressively on this issue with advertisers. We are confident the immediate steps we’re taking will result in a significantly improved approach to preventing these instances from occurring, and we are committed to making this process work for everyone who uses Facebook.”
The social media giant is taking the necessary steps to improve the advertising.