I know, it’s about time. What parent wouldn’t immediately rush to Dennis “The Worm” Rodman’s website and purchase a copy of Dennis Rodman : The Wild Bull today? It’s only $16, but if you’re “in for a penny” you might as well get “in for a pound,” and purchase an autographed copy for $40.
I’ve had quite a bit of fun with Dennis Rodman but he makes it so damn easy. Be it his trip to North Korea or the Vatican recently, or the cross-dressing, refusal to hold interviews outside of gay bars, or the banging of Madonna in a limo an hour before the NBA Finals tip-off of the past … he just makes it so easy.
If someone would have told me six months ago that I would write three pieces about Dennis Rodman for a value investing website, I would have suggested that they adjust their meds. But here we are.
Unlike my writing when he went off to North Korea, or the Vatican…….
I think Dennis Rodman is the perfect person to “write” a children’s book. I say “write” in quotes because he collaborated with someone other than simply an illustrator to write a children’s book, Dustin Warburton.
The Book He Didn’t Write Is Going To Set A Good Example
Mr. Warburton shares my opinion about Rodman’s upbringing that makes him the perfect choice for a children’s story. Granted Mr. Warburton also works for Dennis Rodman.
“What excited me about this project is the fact that not only is Dennis a great guy, but he has accomplished things in his life many people never come close to achieving. The years of dedication and hard work that brought him to the top level is what I’m interested in conveying, and I believe it is going to spread a good message to our country’s youth. Children are our future and Dennis has a lot of great lessons to convey so needless to say it’s not only going to be fun, it’s going to spread a positive message which is what children’s books are all about.”
Because Dennis Rodman Is Just So Fierce
There is, however, something to that. Dennis Rodman didn’t make his high school’s varsity team before going on to become one of the NBA’s all-time greatest rebounders. His father deserted his family when Dennis was only three. The Worm went on to take beatings from the kids at his school due to his small stature. Dennis then flirted with a life of crime when working as a janitor at the Dallas Airport. According to Mark Seal at Playboy, “On a dare, he stuck his broom handle through a gift shop grate and stole 15 watches. He was arrested, jailed for a night, and released after he told the cops where the watches were.”
Despite the flamboyance and mental behavior, Dennis Rodman overcame this to win 5 NBA Championships and, as you do, write a children’s book.