The notorious hacking ground AntiSec claims to have published the federal government’s credit card information, after Annonymous leader Barrett Brown was arrested.
On Wednesday, Brown was arrested in his Dallas home, just hours after he complained online about a certain Federal Beauru Investigator. The arrest was recorded by Brown’s friends, who witnessed the incident on live video chat and then published on YouTube.
Currently Brown is held in custody for allegedly making threats to a FBI agent. The allegations come from a YouTube video where Brown openly admitted that he was getting ready to get himself off opiates. He also talked about his paranoia from being targeted by the Mexican crime syndicate, Los Zetas. Then he also mentioned his intentions to hurt a certain FBI agent and his family.
As the means of revenge, another group of hackers then leaked thirteen credit card records, which included a mix of names, addresses, and government and military email addresses. The AntiSec group claims that the records of the FBI agent email addresses are improbable, because they don’t end in @fbi.gov.
There was also a notice, which stated the following message: “This data could be potentially and underteminatedly [sic] false, as the FBI could potentially claim, they also would be a potentially different set than those we released from Stratfor and they could just potentially bring an underterminate [sic] amount of lolz. But what the hell, you are free to try them if u want. Spend a lot!!!! Send flowers to Barrett!!!”
It’s highly unlikely that the information they published is true, but action should probably still be taken just in case. As for Brown’s arrest, action was needed because no threat should ever be taken lightly. Let’s hope that the government can finally find a way to stop these hackers before they cause more trouble.