Published on Jan 23, 2017
Professor Russell Winer has been recognized as an American Marketing Association (AMA) Marketing Legend for his contributions and commitment to the field and study of marketing.
Analysis for Marketing Planning
Analysis for Marketing Planning, 6/e by Lehmann and Winer focuses on the analysis needed for sound Marketing decisions and is structured around the core marketing document–the Marketing Plan. Whether studying Marketing strategy or Product/Brand Management decisions, students need to be able to make decisions based from sound analysis. This book does not attempt to cover all aspects of the marketing plan; rather it focuses on the analysis pertaining to a product’s environment, customers and competitors.
The History of Marketing Science (World Scientific-Now Publishers Series in Business
The field of marketing science has a rich history of modeling marketing phenomena using the disciplines of economics, statistics, operations research, and other related fields. Since it is roughly 50 years from its origins, The History of Marketing Science is a timely review of the accomplishments of marketing scientists in a number of research areas. Different research areas of marketing science, such as Pricing, Internet Marketing, Diffusion Models, and Advertising, are treated to a highly readable and easy-to-digest historical analysis by the contributing authors. Each chapter provides a chronological timeline of key historical developments in the area of marketing science covered. Readers of other disciplinary backgrounds outside of economics, statistics, and operations research will be more than able to appreciate the development of marketing science as a field of research and its pioneers through the book.