This Is The Cutest Thing Someone Did To Get A New iPhone

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Demand for Apple’s iPhones may be waning, but the iPhone craze among kids seems to be getting stronger. In one cute incident, a 10-year-old girl signed a good behavior contract with her parents to get a new iPhone.

Good behavior contract for a new iPhone

In Malaysia, a 10-year-old girl signed a good behavior contract with 12 conditions for getting a new iPhone. If the girl breaks any of the conditions, the contract states that the iPhone has to be handed over to her father.

This incident came to light after the girl’s older sister Farha posted about it on social media. Farha posted images of the contract and details about the whole incident. Some of the images showed her younger sister Yasmine signing the good behavior contract and getting her new iPhone. She said the contract was drafted twice to meet the expectations of both parents and child. The contract was entitled “One Year Renewable Phone Loan.”

“The contract was drafted twice and was advised by three people to ensure that the terms were reasonable,” Farha said. “I would also like to add that she usually has to save to get anything she wants such as books and stationery.”

The terms of the contract are:

  • Always participating in morning prayers
  • Never using the phone at the dining table
  • Charging the phone until it is full and unplugging it immediately afterward
  • Never letting the phone’s battery die
  • Never taking the phone to the toilet
  • Never taking it to school
  • Never using her parents’ phones
  • Asking permission before downloading any apps
  • Never skipping lessons
  • Never calling friends when out with the family
  • Reading the Quran at least six times a week

It must be noted that the conditions did not include requirements like having to be the brightest student in her class or at least among the top five. To explain why this was missing, Farha said their mother argued that there is no guarantee she could do that even if she “studied her hardest.”

Farha praised her younger sister for being hard working and responsible. She recounted an earlier incident when her sister saved money for two years by “mopping, vacuuming and helping with the laundry” to buy a Nintendo Switch.

Farha added that their parents are very strict in enforcing contracts with them. For example, she said said they took her laptop away for several months after she broke some rules as a teenager.

Craziest iPhone stories

Although Yasmine’s story is pretty cute, it could serve as an inspiration for parents who want to make their children more responsible. The Internet is filled with such incidents in which fans go to extreme lengths to get a new iPhone.

One such incident dates back to the time of the iPhone 6s. At the time, two men in China’s eastern Jiangsu Province reportedly made efforts to sell their kidneys to buy one. In a similar incident in 2012, a 17-year-old Chinese boy reportedly sold his kidney to buy a new iPhone and iPad.

In 2015, sperm banks in China posted ads promising to give potential donors enough money to buy a new iPhone 6s. Some sperm banks even increased their compensation and tried to lure potential donors with ads like, “You don’t have to sell a kidney.”

A Ukrainian man, Olexander Turin, even changed his name to iPhone Sim, which means “seven” in Ukrainian, to get a new iPhone 7. The name change was part of a promotion by an electronics store. It cost him just $2 to change his name, but in exchange, he received a new iPhone 7.

In another incident, a U.S. couple traveled all the way to Australia to be the first in the world to get their hands on the iPhone 6. The couple ordered the new iPhone in the U.S. but gave Sydney, Australia as their pick-up destination. Similarly, a man from Thailand flew to Australia and sat for about 18 hours in the rain to buy his preferred iPhone 7 Plus model.

In 2014, a Saudi man was asked to give an iPhone 6 as a dowry. Interestingly, the demand for the new iPhone didn’t come from the bride, but from the girl’s brother.

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