Cyber Monday 2018: Best Gaming Accessories

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With NVIDIA’s next generation of graphics cards and processors coming out, many dedicated gamers are coming up with ideas for new PC configurations. In addition to the essential inner components, you’ll also need the best gaming accessories, so you can check these out for Cyber Monday 2018. Our offers are from Amazon, so check them out as soon as you can because prices sometimes change quickly.

Best gaming accessories: Monitors

There are plenty of monitor deals on Amazon, so we have narrowed down the list for you to only the best offers. High graphics resolution has allowed us to perceive each and every detail in a unique way, so owning a large monitor with vibrant, accurate colors is important. Check these offers quickly because some of the deals will expire within a day. Here are the monitors we considered:

Best gaming accessories: Keyboards

There are many types of keyboards, but some features are more important than others. For example, it’s important to consider key-spacing, key size and travel time. All these factors make a big difference when playing competitive games. Even the color of the backlight is important if you want to match it with your other equipment. With that in mind, here are the best Cyber Monday keyboard deals.

Best gaming accessories: Computer mice

Like keyboards, computer mice have some unique features. Different gamers prefer playing with a laser or optical mouse. Some gamers prefer having more DPI, while others prefer to have more macro buttons which allow more features to be easily reachable. Here’s our selection of the best gaming mice discounted for Cyber Monday 2018.

Best gaming accessories: Gaming headphones

The gaming industry and video game creators invest a lot of money in high-quality soundtracks. These headphone deals for Cyber Monday 2018 on Amazon will offer detailed and stellar audio experiences.

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