Are Aliens Coming To Visit? UFO Spotted On The Red Planet

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Everything related to UFOs and aliens has always been a point of debate. Since YouTube appeared, there have been countless videos displaying UFOs that “appeared” around the world, although none of the occurrences have ever really been confirmed. Now a different kind of UFO has been spotted. A video uploaded by the conspiracy theory-focused YouTube channel SecureTeam10 shows a sign of what they believe is a crashed UFO. So are aliens coming to visit?

The uploaded video reveals a rather strange triangular object which is buried on the surface of our neighboring planet Mars. Opinions are divided; while some suggest that the images are legit and reveal a crashed UFO, others believe that the images have been manipulated to suggest alien life.

The narrator of the uploaded video said:

“There is no doubt that there is something of an almost perfect triangular-shaped nature, albeit a little dented up and a little warped, but it doesn’t look like it belongs there. When you find another object in the same general area that again looks out of place. We have found these domes on multiple planets and moons. Even NASA and our own space agencies have talked about getting us to the moon and establishing bases have drawn up their plans using the exact same thing-domes. Could that be what we’re seeing here? A camouflage among this crater field. Or is this some sort of ancient relic?”

People have been searching for alien life for years, hunting for aliens and UFOs every time something strange was spotted in the skies. On one hand, UFO/alien hunters claim that alien life exists. On the other hand, NASA said that these claims are not valid. That led some to believe that NASA is hiding evidence of their existence.

Are aliens coming to visit? Another UFO spotted

The video also talks about images of a UFO that was spotted in the air above the desert near the Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in California. Apparently, the images were taken earlier this year. However, they were only recently released by Keith Bradshaw (a pseudonym), who says he was “too nervous” to show the images to anyone until now. Bradshaw reportedly said that he went out to the desert after he was told about the aircraft by his friend.

He told the Daily Star, “This thing would wobble along close to the ground, very unstable. Then it would freeze in position, go up to a certain height and sit there for a few minutes perfectly still. It made no noise that I could hear.”

Bradshaw added that he spent 10 minutes watching the craft. He also said that he spotted the silver UFO while military vehicles were parked nearby and that there was even a military helicopter flying around at the time.

“I don’t believe anyone could have been riding on the inside, but I got the idea the helicopter was somehow remotely controlling it,” he said. “It looked like whoever was controlling it was having fun with it, sometimes because they would do little tricks with it.”

According to the Mirror, Bradshaw gave pictures to 54-year-old UFO sleuth Philip Mantle, who said that “he hasn’t seen anything like this in over 40 years of research.” He proceeded to describe the photos as “the most controversial UFO photos on record” while saying that experts can’t agree whether the photographs are authentic or not.

What do you think? Are aliens coming to visit? Let us know!

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