How To Save A Location Offline In Google Maps On Android, iOS

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Google Maps is the most popular mapping application available today, as it comes with some very useful features, for example, the “save offline map” feature. This feature enables Google Maps users on Android and iOS to save a particular location offline, so that even when they are not connected to the Internet, they can still see the location on map.

This option is very useful when you lose network reception in subways or other areas where the reception is weak. It’s easy to learn how to save a location for offline use on Google Maps on Android and iOS. Note that the process is identical on both  platforms.

How to use Google Maps offline

Step 1: Check if you are running the latest version of Google Maps, at the App Store for those on iOS devices, and Play Store, for those on Android.

Step 2: Once updated, launch the app and search for a location. Google Maps will then show you the location with the name being displayed at the bottom of the screen. Tap on this name.

Step 3: Next, tap on the three-dot icon at the top-right corner of your screen (as shown in the screenshot below).

Google Maps

Step 4: Tap on Save offline map.

With this done, you will be taken to a screen where you can properly zoom-in or select the area that you want to be available offline. If the area is large, then you will be asked to zoom-in and select a small area. Once done, you can then tap on the Save button and then give a name to this map.

The saved map can then be accessed by clicking on “Your Places”.

Note that all the saved maps are only available for 30 days. After that, the maps are cleared from the cache and are no longer available. Despite this minor limitation of Google Maps, this feature is still very useful.

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