Home Top Stories 255 Books Recommended By Michael Mauboussin

255 Books Recommended By Michael Mauboussin

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Michael Maubossin has recommended a vast array of books over the years. Thanks to some of his recent tweets of his book shelf we were able to put together 255 titles recommended by the famous behavioral economist  To our knowledge, no one has completed a record so vast and comprehensive, so we hope you enjoy and appreciate our work.

Michael Mauboussin Research Papers

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Mauboussin book list below


Active Portfolio Management Richard C. Grinold & Ronald N. Kahn 1999 Twitter.com
How to Select Investment Managers and Evaluate Performance G. Timothy Haight & Glenn Ross & Stephen O. Morrell 2007 Twitter.com
Efficiently Inefficient Lasse Heje Pedersen 2015 Twitter.com
The Handbook of Equity Market Anomalies Leonard Zacks 2011 Twitter.com
Expected Returns Antti Ilmanen & Clifford Asness 2011 Twitter.com
Portfolio Design Richard C. Marston 2011 Twitter.com
Intangibles Baruch Lev 2001 Twitter.com
How to Measure Anything Douglas W. Hubbard 2007 Twitter.com
Equity Asset Valuation
Jerald E. Pinto & Elaine Henry & Thomas R. Robinson & John D. Stowe
Capital Investment and Valuation Richard A. Brealey & Stewart C Myers 2003 Twitter.com
The Valuation Handbook Rawley Thomas & Benton E. Gup 2009 Twitter.com
Outperform with Expectations-Based Management Aaron Dolgoff & Tom Copeland 2005 Twitter.com
Valuation Workbook David Wessels & Michael Cichello & Marc Goedhart & Tim Koller & McKinsey & Company Inc 2006 Twitter.com
Value: The Four Cornerstones of Corporate Finance
Bill Huyett & Bill Huyett & Tim Koller & McKinsey & Company Inc.
Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, University Edition
David Wessels & McKinsey & Company Inc & Tim Koller & Marc Goedhart
Streetwise Frank J. Fabozzi & Peter L. Bernstein 1998 Twitter.com
Corporate Valuation for Portfolio Investment Robert A. G. Monks, & Alexandra Lajoux 2010 Twitter.com
Investment Management Robert L. Hagin Twitter.com
Strategic Corporate Finance Justin Pettit 2007 Twitter.com
Value Based Management
J. William Petty & John D. Martin
Where Value Hides Stuart E. Jackson 2007 Twitter.com
Value Drivers Mark C. Scott 1998 Twitter.com
The Value Mandate Peter J. Clark & Stephen Neill 2001 Twitter.com
The EVA Challenge John S. Shiely & Joel M. Stern & Irwin Ross 2001 Twitter.com
Value Driven Management Randolph A. Pohlman & Gareth S. Gardiner & Ellen M. Heffes 2000 Twitter.com
Financial Fine Print Michelle Leder 2003 Twitter.com
The Business of Portfolio Management Iain Fraser 2017 Twitter.com
In Search of Shareholder Value Andrew Black & Philip D. Wright 1998 Twitter.com
EVA and Value-Based Management Stephen F. O’Byrne & S. David Young 2000 Twitter.com
Eva the Real Key Creating Wealth Al Ehrbar 1998 Twitter.com
Best-Practice EVA Bennett Stewart 2013 Twitter.com
Driving Shareholder Value Roger A. Morin & Sherry L. Jarrell 2000 Twitter.com
Value Based Management: Developing a Systematic Approach to Creating Shareholder Value James A. Knight 1998 Twitter.com
Investment Fables Aswath Damodaran 2004 Twitter.com
Damodaran on Valuation 2nd Edition Aswath Damodaran 1994 Twitter.com
Damodaran on Valuation 1st Edition Aswath Damodaran Twitter.com
The Dark Side of Valuation: Valuing Old Tech, New Tech, and New Economy Companies Aswath Damodaran 2001 Twitter.com
Strategic Risk Taking Aswath Damodaran 2007 Twitter.com
Security Analysis
Benjamin Graham & David Dodd & Warren Buffett
Security Analysis: Principles and Techniques Benjamin , Dodd, David L. Graham 2009 Twitter.com
Security Analysis: Principles and Techniques Benjamin & David Dodd 1940 Twitter.com
The Einstein of Money: The Life and Timeless Financial Wisdom of Benjamin Graham Joe Carlen 2012 Twitter.com
The Rediscovered Benjamin Graham Janet Lowe 1999 Twitter.com
Buffett Beyond Value Prem C. Jain 2010 Twitter.com
Benjamin Graham Benjamin Graham 1996 Twitter.com
The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life Alice Schroeder 1995 Twitter.com
Asset Management Andrew Ang Twitter.com
Economist on Wall Street Peter L. Bernstein Twitter.com
Successful Investing Is a Process Jacques Lussier 2013 Twitter.com
Narrative and Numbers Aswath Damodaran 2017 Twitter.com
Dear Chairman: Boardroom Battles and the Rise of Shareholder Activism Jeff Gramm 2016 Twitter.com
Inside the Investments of Warren Buffett Yefei Lu 2016 Twitter.com
The Theory of Investment Value John Burr Williams Twitter.com
Co-Opetition Barry J. Nalebuff & Adam M. Brandenburger 1997 Twitter.com
The Art of Strategy Barry J. Nalebuff & Avinash K. Dixit 2010 Twitter.com
The Execution Premium David P. Norton & Robert S. Kaplan 2008 Twitter.com
Thinking Strategically Barry J. Nalebuff & Avinash K. Dixit 1993 Twitter.com
Strategy and Choice 1991 Twitter.com
Good Strategy Bad Strategy Richard Rumelt 2011 Twitter.com
Tracking Strategies Henry Mintzberg 2007 Twitter.com
Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage (2nd Edition) Jay B. Barney Twitter.com
Keeping Secrets: A Practical Introduction to Trade Secret Law and Strategy Darin W. Snyder & David S. Almeling 2012 Twitter.com
The Red Queen among Organizations William P. Barnett 2008 Twitter.com
Mission-Oriented Finance for Innovation 2015 Twitter.com
Strategy for Business mazzucato 2001 Twitter.com
Strategy Is Destiny Robert Burgelman & Andrew S. Grove 2002 Twitter.com
From Resource Allocation to Strategy Joseph L. Bower & Clark G. Gilbert 2005 Twitter.com
Barriers to New Competition: Their Character and Consequences in Manufacturing Industries Joe S. Bain 1956 Twitter.com
Profits in the Long Run Dennis C. Mueller Twitter.com
The Concept of Corporate Strategy Kenneth R. Andrews 1971 Twitter.com
Company Analysis: Determining Strategic Capability David Hussey Twitter.com
Wharton on Dynamic Competitive Strategy George S. Day, Robert E. Gunther 1997 Twitter.com
Economics of Strategy 4th (forth) edition David Besanko 2006 Twitter.com
Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy Joan Magretta 2011 Twitter.com
Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance Michael E. Porter 1985 Twitter.com
On Competition Michael E. Porter 1998 Twitter.com
Internet Business Models and Strategies: Text and Cases
Allan Afuah,Christopher L. Tucci & Christopher Tucci
Strategy and the Business Landscape (3rd Edition) Pankaj E. Ghemawat Twitter.com
Games Businesses Play: Cases and Models Pankaj Ghemawat Twitter.com
Strategic Dynamics: Concepts and Cases Philip E. Meza ,Andrew S. Grove & Robert A. Burgelman 2006 Twitter.com
Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy Martin Lindstrom 2010 Twitter.com
Strategic Intuition William Duggan Ph.D. 2013 Twitter.com
Uncommon Service: How to Win by Putting Customers at the Core of Your Business Anne Morriss & Frances Frei 2012 Twitter.com
Buying In: What We Buy and Who We Are Rob Walker 2010 Twitter.com
How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market Gerald Zaltman 2003 Twitter.com
Marketing Metaphoria: What Deep Metaphors Reveal About the Minds of Consumers Gerald Zaltman & Lindsay H. Zaltman 2008 Twitter.com
Herd: How to Change Mass Behaviour by Harnessing Our True Nature Mark Earls 2009 Twitter.com
Competing on Analytics: Updated, with a New Introduction: The New Science of Winning Jeanne Harris & Thomas H. Davenport 2017 Twitter.com
The Curse of the Mogul: What’s Wrong with the World’s Leading Media Companies Ava Seave & Bruce C. Greenwald & Jonathan A. Knee 2011 Twitter.com
The Three Rules: How Exceptional Companies Think Michael E. Raynor & Mumtaz Ahmed 2013 Twitter.com
Competition Demystified: A Radically Simplified Approach to Business Strategy Bruce C. Greenwald & Judd Kahn 2007 Twitter.com
Ahead of the Curve: A Commonsense Guide to Forecasting Business and Market Cycles Joseph H. Ellis 2005 Twitter.com
Rules to Break and Laws to Follow: How Your Business Can Beat the Crisis of Short-Termism Don Peppers & Martha Rogers 2008 Twitter.com
Managing Customers for Profit: Strategies to Increase Profits and Build Loyalty V. Kumar 2008 Twitter.com
loyalty.com : Customer Relationship Management in the New Era of Internet Marketing Frederick Newell 2002 Twitter.com
Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless, Customer Loyalty Is Priceless Jeffery Gitomer 1998 Twitter.com
Customer Loyalty: How to Earn It, How to Keep It Jill Griffin 2002 Twitter.com
Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework Don Peppers & Martha Rogers 2004 Twitter.com
The Ultimate Question: Driving Good Profits and True Growth Fred Reichheld 2006 Twitter.com
The Ultimate Question 2.0 Fred Reichheld & Rob Markey 2011 Twitter.com
Improving Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Profit : An Integrated Measurement and Management System Anders Gustafsson & Matthew D. Johnson 2000 Twitter.com
The Quest for Loyalty Fred Reichheld 1996 Twitter.com
Angel Customers and Demon Customers: Discover Which is Which and Turbo-Charge Your Stock Geoffrey Colvin & Larry Selden 2003 Twitter.com
Loyalty Rules: How Today’s Leaders Build Lasting Relationships Frederick F. Reichheld & Rob Markey 2003 Twitter.com
Economics of Strategy 6th Edition
David Besanko & David Dranove & Mark Schaefer & Mark Shanley
Lead and Disrupt: How to Solve the Innovator’s Dilemma 1st Edition Charles A. O’Reilly III & Michael L. Tushman 2016 Twitter.com
7 Powers: The Foundations of Business Strategy Hamilton Helmer 2016 Twitter.com
Beyond Competitive Advantage: How to Solve the Puzzle of Sustaining Growth While Creating Value Todd Zenger 2016 Twitter.com
From Resource Allocation to Strategy 1st Edition Joseph L. Bower & Clark G. Gilbert 2005 Twitter.com
Contemporary Strategy Analysis 7th (seventh) edition Robert M. Grant 2010 Twitter.com
The Loyalty Effect: The Hidden Force Behind Growth, Profits, and Lasting Value Frederick F. Reichheld & Thomas Teal 2001 Twitter.com
Give and Take Adam Grant 2014 Twitter.com
The HEAD Game Philip Mudd 2015 Twitter.com
Red Team: How to Succeed by Thinking Like the Enemy by Micah Zenko Micah Zenko 1887 Twitter.com
Decision Quality: Value Creation from Better Business Decisions Carl Spetzler & Carl Spetzler & Jennifer Meyer 2016 Twitter.com
Choices, Values, and Frames Daniel Kahneman & Amos Tversky 2000 Twitter.com
Preference, Belief, and Similarity: Selected Writings Amos Tversky 2003 Twitter.com
Thinking, Fast and Slow Daniel Kahneman 2011 Twitter.com
Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment Daniel Kahneman, Thomas Gilovich 2002 Twitter.com
Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases Amos Tversky 1982 Twitter.com
Well-Being: Foundations of Hedonic Psychology Daniel Kahneman, Norbert Schwarz, Ed Diener 1999 Twitter.com
Happiness by Design: Change What You Do, Not How You Think Paul Dolan 2015 Twitter.com
Thinking and Reasoning: An Introduction to the Psychology of Reason, Judgment and Decision Making Ken Manktelow & Niall Galbraith 2012 Twitter.com
Social Dynamics (Economic Learning and Social Evolution) Steven N. Durlauf ,‎ H. Peyton Young 2004 Twitter.com
Inevitable Illusions: How Mistakes of Reason Rule Our Minds
Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini
Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work Chip Heath & Dan Heath 2013 Twitter.com
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die Chip Heath & Dan Heath 2007 Twitter.com
Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard Chip Heath & Dan Heath 2010 Twitter.com
Sidetracked: Why Our Decisions Get Derailed, and How We Can Stick to the Plan Francesca Gino 2013 Twitter.com
Psychology of Intelligence Analysis Jr. Richards J. Heuer 2017 Twitter.com
Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis Randolph H. Pherson & Richards J. Heuer 2010 Twitter.com
Blind Spots: Why We Fail to Do What’s Right and What to Do about It
Ann E. Tenbrunsel & Max H. Bazerman
Environment, Ethics, and Behavior: The Psychology of Environmental Valuation and Degradation Max H. Bazerman, Kimberly A. Wade-Benzoni ,David M. Messick ,Ann E. Tenbrunzel 1997 Twitter.com
Predictable Surprises: The Disasters You Should Have Seen Coming, and How to Prevent Them (Center for Public Leadership) Max H. Bazerman & Michael Watkins 2008 Twitter.com
Negotiation Genius: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyond Max Bazerman & Deepak Malhotra 2008 Twitter.com
Negotiating Rationally Margaret Neale & Max H. Bazerman 1994 Twitter.com
Judgment in Managerial Decision Making Seventh (7th) Edition Max H. Bazerman 2008 Twitter.com
Judgment in Managerial Decision Making (5th Edition) Max H. Bazerman Twitter.com
Judgment in Managerial Decision Making 4th Edition Max H. Bazerman Twitter.com
Judgment in Managerial Decision Making (Wiley Series in Management) 3rd Edition Max H. Bazerman Twitter.com
Happiness and Hardship: Opportunity and Insecurity in New Market Economies Carol L. Graham & Stefano Pettinato 2001 Twitter.com
Decision Theory as Philosophy Mark Kaplan 1998 Twitter.com
The New Finance: The Case Against Efficient Markets (Contemporary Issues in Finance) Robert A. Haugen Twitter.com
Beast on Wall Street Robert A. Haugen 1999 Twitter.com
Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets: Surviving the Public Spectacle in Finance and Politics Lila Rajiva & Will Bonner 2007 Twitter.com
Investment Madness: How Psychology Affects Your Investing…And What To Do About It John R. Nofsinger 2001 Twitter.com
Snap Judgment: When to Trust Your Instincts, When to Ignore Them, and How to Avoid Making Big Mistakes with Your Money David E. Adler 2009 Twitter.com
The Nature of Reasoning Robert J. Sternberg PhD & Jacqueline P. Leighton 2003 Twitter.com
Identification for Prediction and Decision Charles F. Manski 2007 Twitter.com
Advances in Behavioral Finance (Roundtable Series in Behavioral Economics) Richard H. Thaler 1993 Twitter.com
Advances in Behavioral Finance, Volume II (The Roundtable Series in Behavioral Economics) Richard H. Thaler 2005 Twitter.com
Quasi Rational Economics Richard H. Thaler 1991 Twitter.com
The Winner’s Curse Marie Rutkoski 2014 Twitter.com
Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics Richard H. Thaler 2016 Twitter.com
Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness Cass R. Sunstein & Richard H. Thaler 2009 Twitter.com
Choosing Not to Choose: Understanding the Value of Choice Cass R. Sunstein 2015 Twitter.com
Rational Choice in an Uncertain World: The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making Robyn M. Dawes & Reid Hastie 1988 Twitter.com
Rational Choice Itzhak Gilboa 2012 Twitter.com
Exotic Preferences: Behavioral Economics and Human Motivation George Loewenstein 2007 Twitter.com
Emerging Perspectives on Judgment and Decision Research (Cambridge Series on Judgment and Decision Making)
Sandra L. Schneider ,‎ James Shanteau
The Art and Science of Negotiation Howard Raiffa 1982 Twitter.com
Making Decisions That Matter: How People Face Important Life Choices Kathleen M. Galotti 2005 Twitter.com
The Psychology of Problem Solving Robert Sternberg 2003 Twitter.com
Devil Take the Hindmost: A History of Financial Speculation by Edward Chancellor Edward Chancellor 1999 Twitter.com
Your Money and Your Brain: How the New Science of Neuroeconomics Can Help Make You Rich Jason Zweig 2007 Twitter.com
The Devil’s Financial Dictionary Jason Zweig 2015 Twitter.com
The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms (Incerto) Nassim Nicholas Taleb 2016 Twitter.com
Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder Nassim Nicholas Taleb 2014 Twitter.com
The Black Swan: Second Edition: The Impact of the Highly Improbable: With a new section: “On Robustness and Fragility” (Incerto) Nassim Nicholas Taleb 2010 Twitter.com
Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets (Incerto) Nassim Nicholas Taleb 2005 Twitter.com
Dynamic Hedging: Managing Vanilla and Exotic Options Nassim Nicholas Taleb 1997 Twitter.com
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind Gustave Le Bon 2002 Twitter.com
The Psychology of Speculation: The Human Element in Stock Market Transactions Henry Howard Harper 2005 Twitter.com
Surviving Large Losses: Financial Crises, the Middle Class, and the Development of Capital Markets Gilles Postel-Vinay,‎Philip T. Hoffman & Jean-Laurent Rosenthal 2007 Twitter.com
Making Social Science Matter: Why Social Inquiry Fails and How it Can Succeed Again Bent Flyvbjerg 2001 Twitter.com
Investor Therapy: A Psychologist and Investing Guru Tells You How to Out-Psych Wall Street Richard Geist 2003 Twitter.com
Pop Finance: Investment Clubs and the New Investor Populism Brooke Harrington 2008 Twitter.com
Social Psychology
Thomas E. Heinzen ,‎ Wind Goodfriend
Psychology Sixth Edition Edition Peter O. Gray Twitter.com
The Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning Keith J. Holyoak ,‎ Robert G. Morrison 2005 Twitter.com
Neuroscience Dale Purves ,‎ George J. Augustine ,‎ David Fitzpatrick ,‎ William C. Hall,‎ Anthony-Samuel LaMantia ,‎ Richard D. Mooney ,‎ Michael L. Platt ,‎ Leonard E. White 2005 Twitter.com
Principles of Forecasting: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science) J.S. Armstrong 2001 Twitter.com
Human Evolutionary Psychology
Robin Dunbar ,‎ John Lycett ,Louise Barrett
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, Third Edition Robert M. Sapolsky 2004 Twitter.com
The Self in Social Judgment
Mark D. Alicke ,‎ David A. Dunning ,‎ Joachim Krueger
Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave Adam Alter 2014 Twitter.com
When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management Roger Lowenstein 2001 Twitter.com
Why Not?: How to Use Everyday Ingenuity to Solve Problems Big And Small
Ian Ayres & Barry Nalebuff
The Rationality Quotient: Toward a Test of Rational Thinking Keith E. Stanovich ,Richard F. West,Maggie E. Toplak 2018 Twitter.com
What Intelligence Tests Miss: The Psychology of Rational Thought Keith E. Stanovich 2009 Twitter.com
The Robot’s Rebellion: Finding Meaning in the Age of Darwin Keith E. Stanovich 2004 Twitter.com
Who Is Rational?: Studies of individual Differences in Reasoning Keith E. Stanovich Twitter.com
Wharton on Making Decisions Stephen J. Hoch ,‎ Howard C. Kunreuther 2004 Twitter.com
Advances in Behavioral Economics (The Roundtable Series in Behavioral Economics) Colin F. Camerer,‎ George Loewenstein ,‎ Matthew Rabin 2003 Twitter.com
Mind Over Money: Match Your Personality to a Winning Financial Strategy Jean S. Arbeiter & John W. Schott 1998 Twitter.com
The Unemotional Investor: Simple System for Beating the Market Robert Sheard 1999 Twitter.com
Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage Paul Ekman 2009 Twitter.com
Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science Charles Wheelan 2010 Twitter.com
Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data Charles Wheelan 2012 Twitter.com
Naked Money: A Revealing Look at Our Financial System Charles Wheelan 2017 Twitter.com
The Centrist Manifesto Charles Wheelan 2013 Twitter.com
Investors and Markets: Portfolio Choices, Asset Prices, and Investment Advice (Princeton Lectures in Finance) William F. Sharpe 2008 Twitter.com
The Random Character of Stock Market Prices Paul H. Cootner 1967 Twitter.com
Handbook of Financial Markets: Dynamics and Evolution (Handbooks in Finance) Thorsten Hens IV ,‎ Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppe 2009 Twitter.com
Market Efficiency: Stock Market Behaviour in Theory and Practice (ELGAR REFERENCE COLLECTION) Andrew W. Lo 1997 Twitter.com
Handbook of the Economics of Finance, Volume 2A: Corporate Finance
George M. Constantinides ,‎ Milton Harris ,‎ Rene M. Stulz
Handbook of the Economics of Finance: Financial Markets and Asset Pricing G. Constantinides 2003 Twitter.com
The Econometrics of Financial Markets Andrew W. Lo & John Y. Campbell & A. Craig MacKinlay Andrew Y. Lo 1997 Twitter.com
The Theory of Finance Merton H. Miller & Eugene F. Fama 1972 Twitter.com
Handbook of Asset and Liability Management: Theory and Methodology Stavros A. Zenios & W. T. Ziemba 2006 Twitter.com
Louis Bachelier’s Theory of Speculation: The Origins of Modern Finance Louis Bachelier 2006 Twitter.com
Financial Market Complexity: What Physics Can Tell Us About Market Behaviour
Paul Jefferies ,‎ Pak Ming Hui & Neil F. Johnson
Inefficient Markets: An Introduction to Behavioral Finance Andrei Shleifer 2000 Twitter.com
The Informational Role of Prices Sanford Grossman 1989 Twitter.com
Unexpected Returns: Understanding Secular Stock Market Cycles Ed Easterling 2005 Twitter.com
The Legacy of Fischer Black Bruce N. Lehmann 2004 Twitter.com
Neoclassical Finance Stephen A. Ross Twitter.com
Merton Miller on Derivatives Merton Miller 1991 Twitter.com
Financial Innovations and Market Volatility Merton Miller 1991 Twitter.com
Building Value with Capital Structure Strategies Henry A. Davis & William W. Sihler ,‎ Rhona Ferling ,‎ William Sihler Henry A. Davis 1998 Twitter.com
Cost of Capital, + Website: Applications and Examples (Wiley Finance) 5th edition Pratt, Shannon P., Grabowski, Roger J 2014 Twitter.com
The Equity Risk Premium: Essays and Explorations Roger G. Ibbotson, William H. Goetzmann 2004 Twitter.com
The Equity Risk Premium: The Long-Run Future of the Stock Market Bradford Cornell 1999 Twitter.com
Triumph of the Optimists: 101 Years of Global Investment Returns Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh, Mike Staunton 2002 Twitter.com
The Theory of Corporate Finance Jean Tirole 2006 Twitter.com
Empirical Research in Capital Markets (McGraw-Hill Series in Advanced Topics in Finance and Accounting) G. William Schwert, Clifford W Smith 1992 Twitter.com
The Revolution in Corporate Finance Joel M. Stern 1986 Twitter.com
The Misbehavior of Markets: A Fractal View of Financial Turbulence
Richard L. Hudson & Benoit Mandelbrot
Scenarios for Risk Management and Global Investment Strategies Rachel E. S. Ziemba & William T. Ziemba 2007 Twitter.com
Corporate Capital Investment: A Behavioral Approach Philip Bromiley 1986 Twitter.com
Dynamics of Markets: The New Financial Economics Joseph L. McCauley 2009 Twitter.com
Puzzles of Finance: Six Practical Problems and Their Remarkable Solutions Mark P. Kritzman 2000 Twitter.com
A Primer on Statistical Distributions N. Balakrishnan & V. B. Nevzorov 2003 Twitter.com
The Crisis of Crowding: Quant Copycats, Ugly Models, and the New Crash Normal Ludwig B. Chincarini 2012 Twitter.com
Bayesian Methods in Finance Svetlozar T. Rachev , John S. J. Hsu ,‎ Biliana S. Bagasheva ,‎ Frank J. Fabozzi 2008 Twitter.com
Portfolio Management under Stress Alexander Denev & Riccardo Rebonato 2014 Twitter.com
Portfolio Selection Harry M. Markowitz 1959 Twitter.com
Monte Carlo Methods in Finance Peter Jaeckel 2002 Twitter.com
Experimental Methods: A Primer for Economists Shyam Sunder & Daniel Friedman 1994 Twitter.com
Rationality in Economics Vernon L. Smith 2007 Twitter.com
Handbook of Experimental Economics Results, Volume 1 Vernon L. Smith & Charles R. Plott 2008 Twitter.com
Papers in Experimental Economics Vernon L. Smith 1991 Twitter.com
Paving Wall Street Vernon L. Smith & Ross M. Miller 2001 Twitter.com
Experiments with Economic Principles: Microeconomics
John Miller & Theodore Bergstrom
A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing (Tenth Edition) Burton G. Malkiel 2012 Twitter.com
A Random Walk down Wall Street: The Time-tested Strategy for Successful Investing Burton G. Malkiel 2016 Twitter.com
The Random Walk Guide To Investing Burton G. Malkiel 2007 Twitter.com
Franchise Value: A Modern Approach to Security Analysis Martin L. Leibowitz 2004 Twitter.com
Capital Ideas Peter L. Bernstein 1991 Twitter.com
Financial Strategy William E. Fruhan 1979 Twitter.com
Accounting for Value Stephen H. Penman 2011 Twitter.com
The Dynamics of Shareholder Value: Principles and Practices of Strategic Value Analysis Roger W. Mills 1998 Twitter.com
Value Creation Thinking Bartley J. Madden 2016 Twitter.com
CFROI Valuation Bartley J. Madden Twitter.com
Beyond Earnings: Applying the HOLT CFROI and Economic Profit Framework Bryant A. Matthews & David A. Holland 2017 Twitter.com
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World David Epstein 2019 Twitter.com
The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance David Epstein 2014 Twitter.com
War and Chance: Assessing Uncertainty in International Politics (Bridging the Gap) Jeffrey A. Friedman 2019 Twitter.com
Expert Political Judgment: How Good Is It? How Can We Know? Philip E. Tetlock 2006 Twitter.com

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