“If enemies make a mistake, missile bases will erupt like a volcano from the depth of Earth,” said Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force. And Iran has released footage of its vast underground missiles base to prove that what Hajizadeh said was absolutely true. The show of military strength was clearly in response to Western powers. The United States has said that despite the recent nuclear deal, military options against Iran were still on the table.
Did Iran violate a UN resolution?
The Iranian state TV broadcast shows an underground tunnel packed with soldiers, missiles, and launcher units. The footage was released just days after Iranian parliament approved the nuclear deal with world powers, and three days after Iran tested its long-range Imad missile. Tehran has reiterated that the nuclear agreement with world powers will not affect its military strength.
United States said Iran might have breached a UN Security Council resolution that stipulates that Tehran cannot engage in ballistic missile-related activities. However, Washington made it clear that the missile test didn’t violate the nuclear agreement because that deal was aimed at restricting Iran’s nuclear program. Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said the missiles were ready for launch from all over the country
Iran has missile bases in all its provinces
The tunnel shown in the footage is hundreds of meters long and at least 10-meter high. The commander said Iran had several such tunnels across the country, some dug up to 500 meters under mountains. Hajizadeh added that long-range missile bases were “stationed and ready” under the mountains in all provinces of the country. He said the tunnel shown in the footage was just “a sample of our massive missile bases.”
What’s more, Iran is rapidly modernizing its missile technology. It will start replacing the current weapons with newer, advanced generation of long-range solid and liquid fuel missiles by next year, said Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh. Earlier this month, Hajizadeh said during a speech at a university in Tehran that all of the U.S. military bases in the Middle-East were within reach of Iranian missiles.