Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) is well-known for changing its logo to reflect holidays, and the search giant has done it again. To welcome in 2014 and say goodbye to 2013, Google has created a fun digital disco. The numbers for the year are dancing happily, while the 4 for the 2014 waits for its turn to get in on the fun.
Google gives a nod to 2013 trends
So if you could pick just one song to represent this year, what would it be? Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) chose “The Fox (What Does the Fox Say),” which became a viral sensation on YouTube this year because the music video for the song—let along the song itself—was so strange.
Of course there were plenty of other trends which popped up during 2013, and Google has put together its annual Zeitgeist so that you can remember all of them or catch up on the ones you might have missed. Google Zeitgeist is basically a collection of all of the top search trends on Google from the past year. It has basically become a tradition. Few things put the year into perspective as much as looking at what people were searching for this past year.
Google Zeitgeist tells us what we wanted to know
Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) breaks down its most popular search trends list according to categories, and there are several relating to people, including the most popular politicians, which of course included former South African President Nelson Mandela, who just passed away recently.
Also people had plenty of questions, like, “What is twerking?” I actually had to look that one up myself today. I’d heard it before, but curiosity finally got the best of me. Also “How to tie a tie?” got a lot of searches this year for some reason. Maybe there were a lot of people going on job interviews this year.