Why Apple Inc. (AAPL) iOS 7 Is Making Users Sick

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Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) iOS7 upgrade in iPads and iPhones is reportedly causing health issues like dizziness, vertigo and so on. Diamond Valley Brain Centre has released a report where it has tried to explain the exact cause of all these symptoms suffered by users who upgraded their Apple devices to iOS 7.Why Apple Inc. (AAPL) iOS 7 Is Making Users Sick

Parallax Effect causing health issues

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) iOS 7 users reported health issues like nausea and dizziness, beginning a few weeks back. Some features in the new iOS 7 apparently cause sick feelings among users.  Users are facing these problems due to a new effect called Transition that has been added by Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). Transition is active when the apps zoom in and out at the time of opening or closing the app. The phenomena causing a range of problems is called the ‘parallax effect’, according to researchers. This effect has been used by Apple to create an illusion that the background of the phone is moving along with app icons on the phone’s surface. Effects are beautiful at first look, but can cause problems for those users with balance problems.

Temporarily, iOS users can lessen the parallax effect on their devices by going to Settings > General > Accessibility and switch the “Reduce Motion” option on.

Apple users with balance problem experience such issues

According to Dr. Holmes from the Diamond Valley Brain Centre in Greensborough, “When producing a sense of balance the brain relies on feedback from the eyes, the ears and a sense from the body called proprioception.” Dr. Holmes added that those who have balance problems often have issues with proprioception or their ear feedback even when they are not aware of it. Such users depend upon their vision for balance and often 3D devices and features used in iOS 7 affect them. Thus, they are more prone to dizziness, vertigo, nausea and headaches.

If a user is experiencing these sorts of issues while using the Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) iOS or 3D devices then it indicates a balance problem, which at times the user himself is not aware of. Dr Holmes commented, “If you are suffering any of these symptoms it could indicate the need to have some form of vestibular rehabilitation to reduce the dependence on visual information.”

Balance problems are the cause of many factors like falling at an old age or underlying reasons for death and illness for those above 60s. Additionally, it is the main cause of many other health issues like migraines, anxiety, depression and even memory loss.

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