Russia is now addressing the Syrian conflict, but it seems the United States chose to support or work with Al Qaeda to fight ISIL and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, according to French geopolitical scientist Alexandre del Valle.
In an interview with Sputnik News, the del Valle emphasized that the decision of the United States to support Al Qaeda in its fight against ISIL and Al-Assad is a big mistake. According to him, Washington would face more problems in the future because of its decision.
The French geopolitical scientist pointed out that it is “dangerous” to think that the Syrian president is a bigger evil than ISIL. He added that it is a “big mistake” to tell that one can negotiate with other jihadists [al-Qaeda and so-called moderate Syrian rebels]. According to del Valle, such strategy is “insane.”
West Cold War strategy is counterproductive
The French geopolitical scientist observed that the West is practicing a Cold War strategy, which portrays Russia as the evil empire.
According to him, the United States and its allies are supporting everyone who is against the supporters of Russia and Iran—the “present day bad guys.” The West will pay a huge price for following such strategy, which is “counterproductive, dangerous, and foolish” because it is playing into the hands of Al Qaeda and ISIL and other Islamic extremists, said del Valle.
The involvement of Russia in the Syrian crisis is critical
According to del Valle, the involvement of Russia in resolving the crisis in Syria is critical given the fact that it has been advocating for a broad coalition to the fight the Islamic militants. He noted that Moscow offered its help to the United States to catch Islamic militants in Afghanistan prior to the 9/11 attack.
He emphasized that the idea of Russia was “full of common sense and logical.” According to him, the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin is now addressing the Syrian conflict is positive.
Pres. Putin was smarter because he did not allow himself to get trapped in the Cold War style of conflict with the West. Putin is trying to destroy Islamic extremism while the United States and the NATO have been actively creating a confrontation with Russia, noted del Valle.
According to him, the West must remove its old Cold War mentality that depicts Russia as evil. He added that it is time for Europe to wake up and stop supporting the dangerous and ineffective policies of the United States, which is creating more conflict around the world.
West admits ISIL is the major threat to the Middle East
Separately, the West admitted that the major threat to the security of the Middle East was not al-Assad’s regime, but the ISIL, according to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
Lavrov “All of our western partners with no exception say that they clearly understand” that the main threat in the Middle East and North Africa was ISIL and not the Syrian President. However, the Russian Foreign Minister noted that many are just whispering and afraid to say it loud.
US-led coalition would welcome Russia to fight ISIL with condition
Lavrov added that the US-led coalition indicated its desire to welcome Russia and any other country to fight Islamic State under the condition that it would not strengthen the positions of the Syrian President.
The Russian Foreign Minister pointed out, “Withdrawing the Syrian Army from the fight against Islamic State is absurd.” According to him, the forces of the Syrian regime are the most effective in fighting ISIL on the ground.
“Analyzing the actions of coalition member states, one cannot but suspect they have ulterior motives beyond the stated goal of fighting the Islamic State,” said Lavrov. He also claimed that some of their colleagues in the US-led coalition knew the location of the ISIL regiments, but their command did give permission for a =n airstrike.
“If their goal is to prevent the consolidation of Iraqi and Syrian territories as the heartland of an ISIL-promoted caliphate, they should focus on helping those who are fighting these rebels on the ground – the Iraqi army, the Iraqi Kurds, the Syrian army and Syrian Kurdish militias,” added Lavrov.
According to Lavrov, the fight against ISIL would be more effective if the US-led coalition also worked with the Syrian Arab Republic not only with the Iraqi government, its sworn ally. He added that Russia will continue to provide military and technical support for the Syrian government to fight terrorism.