A Nor’easter is coming my way (up to two to three feet of snow with high winds) so I may be out of contact for two or three days. But push on we must. We continue to study Chapter 3, in Deep Value and Buffett’s investing career.
The best investment article I have ever read of Buffett’s is:
Buffett & Inflation Highlighted plus if you wish to read all that Buffett has said about inflation then Buffett inflation file.
A key case for you to focus on is See’s_Candies_Case_Study. Combined with Buffett’s Inflation Swindles the Equity Investor (link above), you will see a leap in Buffett’s thinking. Both are important to understand and complementary to each other.
Finally, Sanborn_Map_Case_Study_BPLs is another case mentioned in Chapter 3 of Deep Value.
Hopefully, students will discuss in the comments section.
Time to bring out the snowshoes!