You all love Michael Burry so here is some old posts from here which have been ‘uncovered’
Reading Michael Burry
I finally got around to reading a good chunk of the Michael Burry archive that still resides on the old Silicon Investor forums. It’s a highly informative read that shows the evolution of Michael Burry from an enthusiast, to an investor with a unique style and philosophy. Here are a few interesting highlights that I came across.
Initially, Burry cut his teeth on traditional Ben Graham-type stocks that traded below book value. Below, he discusses the Tejon Ranch Company (TRC), a stock with strong downside protection due to the 270,000 acres that it owned.
What’s also remarkable, was that Burry was getting solicited by certain “high ranking” investors since early 1997.
While it’s clear that Burry was aware of the mania (and indeed derided many investors expectations) for Dot-Com stocks, he saw Apple for what it was in 1999, a value stock with any future growth being essentially thrown in for free. He also scolds himself for selling it too soon after a 30% run-up. Most importantly though, it was with stocks like Apple that Burry began to appreciate the power of branding, marketing and management, the sort of intangible factors that Buffett is so perceptive in recognising.
In an early post, he chips in with some thoughts on an overvalued market with a quote that I love.
As for how Burry chooses stocks, he states it on this thread, also revealing that price is the key determinant in whether to invest, or not.
Then, moving up the page, comparing capital expenditures to cash flows, then moving up to equity and observing that its growth validates the ROE numbers.
Then, still moving up the page, looking at the last 10 years of earnings consistency and growth – at least doubling in 10 years, without more than one down year.
Then look for the low payout ratio and conservative debt.
Then look at the current price and figure out your buy price and wait. You’ll hit a few.
If you do this with the 1997 S&P MidCap 400 Guide, two companies jump out at you – Dairy Queen and Flight Safety, both
Buffett buys.I used this to find Medusa and BMC Industries, both of which I bought. Medusa was taken out by Southdown at a 50% premium to my price in just a few months. BMC had significant insider buying and now sits about 13% above my price. Of course, by virture of their businesses, neither meets all of Buffett’s criteria.
Re: his picks, I’ll have to take a closer look. Some of them have come up in my reviews over the last 6 months. I should say that I have gone through all the stocks covered by S&P in its three major guides, and the pickings are slim, and will remain so without a major correction.
Finally, here are a few book recommendations from Burry.
Re: Mattel, Apple
I bought it as a Buffett pick. And then I sold it after a quick 25-30% run-up. Shame shame. But I make no excuses. The run-up to me seemed flimsy. It traded back to the low 20’s then jumped on its internet strategy announcement. I got out. But I sorely want back in. I would like to buy in the low 20’s again, and I will. But at the time I needed money to buy some other stocks that were becoming much more acutely undervalued (my AAPL, APCC, FIC) with IMO possibly better-positioned and better-managed businesses. So far this bet is paying off, but for it to really pay off on both ends I’d be able to buy Mattel, Inc. (NASDAQ:MAT) at 22 1/8 again. And Callaway Golf Co (NYSE:ELY) at 10 and change again, since I sold my Buffett soul and got out of that one too.
BTW, really, no one is crediting Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), but to me it has the markings of a value stock and potential Buffett-like stock. A real cash machine of late, trading at a mid-single digit multiple of cash flow, with a great recovery in terms of operating efficiency. A great brand name with proprietary advantages and mindshare. Subtract out the cash and it was recently trading at about 10 times earnings. A good holding for an 8 year old. Buy her a blueberry iMac and give her some stock :) I bought it as a long-term holding but it’s run up too. This problem of ultra-quick 30% gains despite Buffetesque intent is vexing, but not unpleasant.
H/T cornerofberkshireandfairfax
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