One of the best things about being a journalist for a national media outlet like Forbes is access. Put simply you get to meet and interview amazing people who might not ordinarily care to talk to you if you just met them in the street.
For the our special Summer Investment Guide we decided to interview 20 of the most successful, accomplished people in the world of money and investing. I’m talking about thought leaders like the Warren Buffett, perhaps the greatest investor ever, brilliant Yale economist Robert Shiller, hedge fund titan Julian Robertson, Vanguard’s Jack Bogle, private equity king Leon Black and financial pundit, actor and author Ben Stein.
H/T Market Folly
- Two Book Chapters That Changed Warren Buffett’s Life
- Meredith Whitney: Is Muni-Bond Interest Moral?
- Jack Bogle: High Investment Costs Destroy `Magic Of Compounding Returns’
- Barry Sternlicht: Don’t Ignore Outliers
- Economist Larry Kotlikoff: Don’t Gamble With Your Living Standard
- Ben Stein: Staying Out Of Bad Money Neighborhoods
- Leon Black: Seek Action And Smart People
- Bruce Greenwald: Get Your Hands On Somebody Else’s Money
- Dick Bolles: 4 Job Hunting Tips From The Grandfather Of Career Advice
- Ramit Sethi: How To Force Yourself To Go To The Gym
- Leon Cooperman: There Are Lots Of Horses’ Asses To Bet Against
- Robert Shiller: The American Dream Is A Fallacy
- Alexa Von Tobel :Financial Goal For Your Twenties: Make No Big Mistakes
- Burton Malkiel’s Lucky Stock Pick
- Kelly Phillips Erb: Don’t Let Fear Of Taxes Or IRS Audits Destroy Your Wealth
- Julian Robertson: Hedge Funds Are The Antithesis Of Baseball
- Stock Picks And Investing Wisdom From Value Guru Marty Whitman
- Gary Shilling: Get The Stars Out Of Your Eyes
- Ron Baron: Short-Seller’s Yacht, No, East Hampton Mansion, Yes
- Dan Ariely: Why Money Is The Oxygen For Life
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