While most users of consumer electronics are content to use their chosen hardware in the manner, they were designed to be. There is a minority, who for whatever reason like to push the envelope of what is possible. Often, pushing a piece of hardware beyond its limits to ascertain durability or altering the software in some way to use unauthorized software. One such use can be seen in the video below, it shows an iPhone 7 hack enabling the Apple device to run Windows XP.
Windows XP on iPhone 7?
At this moment, you may be asking yourself “Why would anyone want Windows XP on the iPhone 7?” In answer to that, the only answer we can give is, it’s possibly a question of want. Instead, it’s more than likely about curiosity. After all, it’s clear from the video, that he/she who hacked the iPhone has the skill to do so. And while so many of us may wish we had the ability to do so, we don’t. So, the creator of the YuTube channel Hacking Jules takes on projects like this one to show it’s possible.
If you click the link above and visit his/her YouTube page, you will see that previous projects include: Windows 7 on an Android Wear smartwatch and MacOS 8 on an iPhone 6 both showing that almost anything is possible with the know how.
A Different Kind of Hack
It seems as though right now hacking of devices is rife. Just yesterday we reported on how renowned hacker/security researcher Luca Todesco had managed to create a Nintendo Switch jailbreak. Previously, he had been working on an iOS 10 jailbreak which he appears to have been successful with. However, unlike the kind of work, he is focussed on at this time. The creator of the iPhone 7 Windows XP hack has produced something entirely different.
Unlike the jailbreaking term which is focussed on giving extra functionality to a device. This iPhone 7 hack does not, and here’s why…
Windows XP Working?
Having watched the video in its entirety, it’s clear this hack may place Windows XP onto the handset, but it’s hardly usable! From the moment he/she starts to boot up the OS it takes about 2-minutes 35-seconds until it becomes usable. Which when compared to today’s almost instant smartphone applications feels like an eon.
That being said once loaded, the user is presented with a well mapped out control system via a cursor. Furthermore, it looks relatively responsive; there doesn’t seem to be any lag between input and action. The user can be seen easily navigating Windows XP and showing his/her viewers what is possible.
You Too Can Get Windows XP on iPhone 7
If you’re interested in learning how you can get this none Apple sanctioned software up and running on your iPhone. The tools are available for you to do so. However, before you go ahead and attempt this, ask yourself why? If it’s simply to gain some kind of extra functionality why not make use of a jailbreak. Thanks to the likes of Luca Todesco, there is a solution ready and waiting.
However, if you’re adamant that installing Windows XP onto your iPhone 7 is the way to go the required files are here. We advise that you check out the README file before you proceed, additionally, ask questions of the creator on his/her YouTube page.
Image Source: Screenshot/Hacking Jules – YouTube.com