Until quite recently, there was no publicly available jailbreak for iOS 10, but now, thanks to Ian Beer and the well-known Luca Todesco, there is finally one available. So if you heeded the warnings and stayed away from iOS 10.2, there’s a good chance that you’ve used the latest solution to free your device. However, this solution is still in beta, which means it’s not stable and may have issues. So if you’re looking for jailbreak tweaks, here are a few that are compatible and a full list of the ones worth trying out.
Tested iOS 10 jailbreak tweaks
If you haven’t already made the move and used Luca Todesco’s jailbreak, we advise that you wait for future updates. Doing so will ensure that your device is safe from any potential problems installing a beta jailbreak may bring. However, if you’ve already done the deed, here are our top five jailbreak tweaks.
Cuttlefish – free via the BigBoss Repo
This jailbreak tweak adds more color to the background blur when you use an application’s 3D Touch or Quick Actions menu. It dynamically colorizes the menu background to match the dominant color of the app. However, the menu itself will not be changed; just the background blur is altered.
Evanesco – free via the BigBoss Repo
Many iPhone users have pride in the way the handset’s Home screen looks. Usually, this manifests itself in highly detailed wallpapers or pictures of friends or family. However, the way in which the app icons work means that wallpapers are often mostly covered.
Evanesco is one of the newest jailbreak tweaks for iOS 10. It fades out the icons, status bar, and dock when a phone is idle, meaning that a wallpaper can be viewed in all of its glory until the device becomes active again.
StatusSwitcher – free via the BigBoss Repo
Since Todesco launched his jailbreak tweak, developers have been working feverishly to launch their wares. One of the first jailbreak tweaks to be compatible with the solution was StatusSwitcher.
The tweak adds the Status Bar to the App Switcher on iOS 10 devices, meaning that users will no longer be left without the time, battery, or signal strength.
Apps Manager – free via the BigBoss Repo
This is one of the oldest jailbreak tweaks on this list. However, it has been updated to work with Todesco’s jailbreak, and it still provides an extremely valuable service, giving a user the ability to secure their data.
Apps Manager gives you the capacity to restore, backup, import, export, and wipe data — all for free.
iCleaner Pro Beta – free via Ivano Bilenchi’s Beta Repo
Icleaner Beta-Pro has proven to be a popular junk removal tool for jailbroken iOS devices, and now it has been updated to provide support for those on iOS 10 jailbroken devices. You should be aware that this tweak has forced some iOS 10.1.1 devices to re-spring after the display goes black.
Tweaks tested on iOS 10.1 – 10.1.1
So there are five of the best jailbreak tweaks. However, here’s a complete list of all the tweaks that are compatible with iOS 10:
- Substrate Safe Mode
- PreferenceLoader
- OpenSSH
- 3D Switcher
- 3D Touch to Clear Notifications
- Action Menu
- AdvancedSettings8
- Alkaline
- AlwaysFirstSwipe
- AntRec
- App Admin
- AppInfo
- AquaBoard
- AutoBrightness
- Barrel
- Bars
- BatteryLife
- Bloard
- BlurryBadges
- BlurryLaunch
- CacheClearer
- Cask
- CellularUsageOrder
- CircleIcons
- ClassicDock
- ColorBadges
- CrashReporter
- Cydia Installer
- Cylinder
- Date in Statusbar
- DeleteForever
- DetailedBatteryUsage
- DisableVoiceControl 8
- Disk Pie
- DismissProgress
- DoubleCut
- Edge
- f.lux
- FrontCamUnMirror
- GIFViewer
- GlowDock
- HapticFeedBack
- HideSettingsSearch
- iCleaner Pro
- Icon Renamer
- iFile
- ImageBoard
- iOS Terminal
- iTransmission 4
- libstatusbar
- LocationFaker9
- Minimal Hosts Blocker
- MinimalisticUI
- Moveable9
- MTerminal
- NetworkList
- NoBlur
- NoCarrier
- NoLiveClock
- NoMotion
- NoPageDots
- NoSlowAnimations
- NoTrackpadDelay
- NoVoiceMail
- PhotoSize
- PM, really?
- Power Tap
- QuickShuffleRepeat
- RoundDock
- Safari Full URL
- SameStatus
- Sentinel
- Shy Page Dots
- Skrollerz
- SmoothCursor
- SmoothPop
- Snoverlay
- SpeedyHomey
- Splitify
- Substrate Fix
- SwipeForMore
- SwipeSelection
- SwipeSelection Pro
- SwitcherTweak Pro
- Tactful
- TetherMe for iOS 9 & 8
- Touchr
- TransparentDock
- tsProtector
- Tweak Count 2
- UnBold
- Unicode Faces
- Upscale
- wGet
- WGradRemover
- WhiteTerminal
- Whoozit
- Whoozit Pro
- WiCarrier
- WiFi Booster
- WiJoin
- WinterBoard
- xCon
- XPasscode
- ZW1T
- WiFi – The Strongest Link
- Edit Alarms
- StatusModifier
- Eclipse 4
These are all the compatible jailbreak tweaks that have been tested and found to be working right now. However, if you know of any that are not on the list, please let us know via the comments section below.