Instagram has announced the all new addition of video capturing and sharing functionality to its photo app. This means that Instagram won’t be just a mere photo app any more—users will now be able to create short videos using the app. This new feature will be available to both Android and iOS platforms. Users will be able to capture video of 15 seconds with this new feature.
Instagram video will be competing with Twitter’s Vine—a similar video sharing app which allows user to capture video of six seconds. Vine has been around for quite a long time and it has got some loyal fans too. Both apps differ greatly, so let’s compare the differences between them.
The first major difference between Instagram and Vine is the length of video recording—Instagram videos are 15 seconds long, while Vine enables video recording for only 6 seconds. Vine is more Twitter-esque, because just like Twitter’s 140 character limit, Vine too has a very short limit for video creation.
Comparison of Features
Neither Vine nor Instagram will let you import video from your camera roll. If you want to use these apps, then you’ll need to capture the video within the app, and then you can save the video to your camera roll for later use.
Both apps allow you to switch back and forth between front and rear facing cameras when shooting the video. You just need to select which camera you want to use to capture the video.
Instagram also offers creative video filters, similar to the ones on offer for photos, but these are brand new filters specially designed for videos. Vine, on the other hand, does not offer any such filters.
Vine only lets you share the videos on Facebook and Twitter, while Instagram lets you share videos to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, and Foursquare, as well as through email.
Loop or Not to Loop?
Yet another major difference is that Vine videos loop, while Instagram videos play only once and stop. This gives Vine videos a more GIF like touch, whereas Instagram aims more to create a story which has a beginning and an end within the 15 seconds limit. Now you just need to figure out how you tell a story in 15 seconds—is it too much or too little? You decide.
Let’s take a look at this comparison table which outlines some major differences between Vine and Instagram.
Instagram vs. Vine
[table] Feature, Instagram Video, VineVideo length, 15 seconds, 6 seconds
Filters, Yes, No
Front facing camera, Yes, Yes
Drafts, No, Coming soon
Saving option, Yes, Yes
Image stabilization, Yes, No
Autoplay, Yes, Yes
Looping, No, Yes
Sharing option, “Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Email, Foursquare”, “Facebook, Twitter”
Photo map, Yes, No
Embed option, No, Yes
Well, Vine has finally got new competition in the form of Instagram. Which video sharing app will dominate? Leave us your comments.