You must have noticed that Facebook shows advertisement in the sidebar that says that your friend likes this. Be it any restaurant, hotel, company or anything. This indirectly means that since your friend likes this, you should also like this page. If you don’t want Facebook to use your name on social ads, then there’s a setting to prevent this from happening.
Same way, Facebook also uses your name and can advertise by saying that “your name” likes this. Social ads can also show an advertiser’s message alongside actions that you have taken, such as liking a Page. Those who are concerned about this and are thinking to prevent this then let’s learn how to stop Facebook from using your personal information on social ads.
Login to your Facebook account. Go to Account Settings by clicking on the small drop down box next to “Home”.
Click on Facebook Ads from the left sidebar.
From the “Ads and Friends” section, click on Edit social ads setting.
Select No One from “Pair my social actions with ads for”.
That’s all you need to do. Now Facebook won’t share your social actions with the ads that are displayed on the site.