Google Chrome displays a small download toolbar at the bottom of the screen whenever a download is initiated. All the recent downloads are listed in this screen. This toolbar is displayed so that you can directly open the downloaded file or open the download folder. You can close this toolbar manually or close the browser window to hide and you won’t see this toolbar again.
If you don’t like this download toolbar and hate closing it manually every time the download is completed, then here is a Chrome extension that can help you.
Always Clear Downloads is an extension for Google Chrome that automatically hides the Chrome toolbar after the last active download is completed. And it not only hides the toolbar but also automatically clears the download list so that you don’t have to perform the task manually. This extension clears the download list every five seconds. Five seconds should be enough for you to perform the task to open the downloaded file. Downloads that are in progress won’t be removed or deleted from your computer.
This extension would be very useful for those who download lots of stuff like photos, videos, software or other files. Such users don’t need to manually deal with download list anymore, as this extension clears the download list automatically.
This extension is also very helpful when you don’t want the other user that uses your PC to know about the files that you have downloaded. Even if you forget to clear/delete the list manually, this extension has you covered.
Google Chrome users can install Always Clear Downloads extension from Chrome Web Store.