California’s first-ever pension data transparency portal
San Jose Pensions:
The graphs above show the relative share of pensions in the San Jose city budget and how it impacts the deficit. Use this visualization to explore the impact of the changes in revenue and contribution rates on San Jose pension spending and the city’s deficit.
Instructions: Use the slider bars and drop down bars to try and construct a solution. These options illustrate the magnitude of the unfunded liabilities and the significant changes that would have to be enacted in order to change them.
Sources: Report by Joe Nation of the Stanford Institute for Economics and Policy Research. Projections are based on an assumed discount rate of 6.2 percent.
Pension Funding Status:
The graphs above show the probability distribution for funding ratio or unfunded liabilities. Use this visualization to explore the impact of the assumed rate of return on the funding status of California’s major pension systems. Instructions: Select an investment rate of return using the slider bar. Select whether to view unfunded liabilities (dollars) or funding ratio (percentage) using the filters on the bottom right. Select whether to see probabilities for achieving an 80 percent or 100 percent funded ratio. Sources: Report by Joe Nation of the Stanford Institute for Economics and Policy
Research. Public Retirement System Costs:
How much will public employee pension systems cost the state of California?
Instructions: Select either CalSTRS (for teachers), CalPERS (for general employees), UCRP (for UC employees), or Total for all three summed together. Select a particular metric such as annual expenditures or unfunded liabilities to compare that metric for different assumed investment rates of return. In particular, see how annual expenditures for pensions will compare to discretionary general fund spending over the coming years.
Sources: Report by Joe Nation of the Stanford Institute for Economics and Policy Research
California Pension System Background:
Explore plan assets, participants, benefit formulas, actuarial assumptions, and benefit levels.
Instructions: each quadrant allows you to find information about a different aspect of the plans and compare across teacher, UC, and general pension plans. Use the drop down menus to change metrics and click a plan to filter by that plan in each quadrant.
Sources: Report by Joe Nation of the Stanford Institute for Economics and Policy Research.