Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) did not approve an advertisement of CREDO Mobile, which raised its voice against a political group created by Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg along with other important members of the technology suite. The group started by Mark Zuckerberg, Fwd.us, is a lobbying group that actively supports Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.), a supporter of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
CREDO Mobile, which supports progressive issues, has been criticizing the Keystone XL Pipeline and has also been rolling out campaigns rallying against ads funded by Fwd.us which back Graham for supporting the pipeline.
The support to the pipeline is given through a subsidiary organization called Americans for a Conservative Direction. According to many political analysts, these ads help Graham draw support from conservatives even after his backing immigration reform.
The latest ad of CREDO Mobile shows a picture of Mark Zuckerberg and the line written next to it is “Hey Zuck, Pull your ads supporting Keystone XL.” In the same ad, the Obama for America logo is used to denote “o” in Keystone.
Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB), however, denied permission to post the ad by CREDO and in the email explaining the reason for rejection, says that the ad is against the policy of the company because the image of Zuckerberg has been used in the ad.
CREDO mobile previous to this incident also raised questions over Facebook and Zuckerberg particularly, about fundraising for New Jersey Republican governor Chris Christie. However, CREDO has at times used Facebook to showcase its own ads and various others campaigns and has also used the services of Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) to manage events, encourage supporters to sign petitions, and to increase the awareness of other campaigns.
The policies of Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) say that any ad containing Facebook logos, icons or trademarked images in a way that is not covered by the usage guidelines or any such advertisement may falsely claim that Facebook has given its “partnership, sponsorship or endorsement” to it, and will be rejected from being published on Facebook.
Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) released a statement in which it said that the ads containing Zuckerberg images are generally not posted because it tends to be confusing and misleading for the users. Users may click such ads because they gather that the message is from Mark or Facebook but fail to understand that the picture or logo has been used only to take advantage of the names.
The policy of Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB), however, was criticized by CREDO Mobile political director Becky Bond who said that the policy restriction should not apply to these ads, which point out the actions of Zuckerberg outside of Facebook.