Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) is currently undertaking tests on a new Timeline design for users of the largest social networking site.
The tests that are being carried out by Facebook are meant to enhance the experience of users on the social site, and in the new changes, a user’s details- the name, education, location and occupation will appear on top of the cover photo, rather than below it as had been the norm.
The thumbnail photos that highlight photos, places, friends, and even likes will also be compressed. All images will now be replaced with the thumbnails.
There will also be a summary section, which is new, and it is assumed that it will highlight the main events on a user’s profile on the timeline.

The new design on the timeline has not been fully tested, and it is not known if users on Facebook will have the ability to change the color of the type on their cover photos, or it will be a default feature.
The new features on the Timeline are still being tested, but there has already been reactions to it, with a few users of the opinion that Facebook, and Zuckerberg, the CEO should be working on other things rather than create new designs of Timeline.
Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) had an IPO a few days ago, at an initial price of $38, but the stock has plummeted and it is currently trading at around $31 a share. There had been a lot of hype surrounding the IPO, and it had been assumed that the share price would have gone through the roof, rather than plummet.
However, keen observers are of the view that the new design of the Timeline feature is to ensure that people user cover photos that do not have branded text or photos since it is against the guidelines that Facebook asks of its users.
In addition, since the IPO, Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) will now have to focus on ways in which it will reward its investors, and the current change in Timeline, may just be the start of more changes that will be brought about by Zuckerberg.
Facebook’s Timeline feature has been in use for a while now, and it seems that they are at it again, tweaking a few features. It is not clear how many users will be used to test the new Timeline design, but it remains to be seen if the changes will be welcomed and embraced by the users of the largest social networking site today.