Ever since the largest social network Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) has launched its chat functionality, the demand for emoticons that are used to enhance online communication has indeed become high for even Facebook Chat.
To add the spice developers have designed Facebook chat to support cool emoticons and colorful smileys. However previously these Facebook emoticons were not the part of Facebook chat window – that is a Facebook user was only able to create them by typing different symbols on the chat, but now after realizing the need of better communication and for the ease of users, Facebook has added a menu of emoticons to its chat windows.
Additionally, Facebook has also listed a new ‘like icon’ under the emoticons menu. A user can type the letter y in parenthesis (y) <- like this, to make it appear under a window during a chat with his/her friend.
Right now this emoticon functionality only works for Facebook web chat; and it is not been added to the Facebook app of any mobile OS. Also, Facebook has not yet developed these chat emoticons to appear on the status updates and comments, even on web.
Here is the list of some cool emoticons with keys that you can type or select from Facebook ’emoticon menu’ in chat:
(Some emoticons listed below are not included in Facebook chat window menu, enjoy!)
Keys Description of emoticons
:’( Facebook crying emoticon :D Facebook big smile emoticon :/ Facebook unsure emoticon :3 Facebook chat smile emoticon :o Facebook gasp emoticon :v Facebook pacman emoticon >:-( Facebook grumpy emoticon <3 Facebook heart emoticon o:) Facebook angel emoticon >:o Facebook upset emoticon 8| Facebook glasses emoticon ^_^ Facebook happy eyes emoticon (^^^) Facebook shark emoticon 3:) Facebook devil emoticon O.o Facebook woot emoticon <(“) Facebook penguin emoticon :( Facebook sad face emoticon :) Facebook smiling emoticon :p Facebook tongue emoticon ;) Facebook wink emoticon :* Facebook kiss emoticon :putnam: Facebook engineer putnam emoticon :|] Facebook robot emoticon
Pick up these keys and try inserting them in your Facebook chat window to make your conversation more enticing.