There’s a certain allure to the current hype around blockchain-based gaming which has pushed gaming developers and blockchain enthusiasts to combine their efforts, allowing them to expand the industry of online gaming.
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With growing consumer demand for decentralized technology, blockchain startups and mid-tier developers are developing the future of gaming, integrating advanced software capabilities with the expanding market of digital collectibles.
Now the Swiss-based company, EverdreamSoft (EDS), which was founded back in 2010 as a game studio is exploring new avenues of the gaming world, bringing together the use of blockchain tools and traditional gaming.
Their most notorious online mobile game, Spells of Genesis which launched back in 2017 pivoted the need for improved and more transparent blockchain-based mobile games. EDS, who is also known as one of the founding members of Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA), is now stepping into the metaverse, and players are fascinated to see what they have in store for the coming year.
As EDS looks to re-imagine mobile blockchain gaming, we had the opportunity to share a view of questions with the Chief Operating Officer of EverdreamSoft, Marketa Korteova about their upcoming developments, and new ventures onto the Metaverse.
Q. What has been the most challenging aspect of your role at EverdreamSoft, and how do you keep yourself motivated?
What I’m doing is an ongoing challenge, because in the blockchain industry everything keeps moving and changing. So it might be difficult to keep yourself up to date with the latest developments, but it is also what makes my job interesting and motivating.
On a funny note, since I’ve started working at EverdreamSoft, it has been quite hard to explain to my friends what I was doing…I ended up saying that we were a gaming company…When the latest NFT bubble came last summer, my friends started to be more interested in crypto, blockchain and NFTs and suddenly they got it. It took them several years, but they finally understood what I was doing. :)
Q. How do you as a team pursue innovation and development in an ever-growing and competitive industry?
Innovation is a part of our company’s DNA, Shaban, the EDS’s founder is a great visionary. Sometimes we’ve even been too ahead of our time. For instance, when we’ve been talking about blockchain for gaming on different events back in 2015, 2016, we’ve been receiving very strange looks…
Q. What’s one of the main characteristics of the company that sets you aside from competitors, and ensures you can have a strong market influence?
We have a long (for the industry) experience in blockchain for gaming and collectibles (NFTs, if you prefer).
We jumped on the bandwagon of exploring the possibilities of blockchain for the gaming industry back in 2015 and we’ve been through a lot since then. There was an NFT boom and company expansion, but we’ve also gone through rough times during the “crypto winter”. We did not let it get us down, right the contrary. We’re still here, we’ve delivered several products and we still have exciting new projects in the pipeline!
On a more technical note, what sets us apart from other projects similar to ours is our multi chain approach. We believe that in the future, several protocols and standards will coexist and that users will opt in and out to different ecosystems, according to their needs. Our goal is to simplify it and to offer a unified way of managing NFTs across multiple platforms and chains.
Metaverse is the latest trend and there’s a huge hype. Metaverse is a new communication channel and for us it totally makes sense to be there where our potential users are. Also, I think that time will show that having a land in The Sandbox since the very beginning was a good move.
Q. From a European standpoint, how do you think the blockchain gaming market will grow across the continent in the next decade, and what may be some of the challenges?
Some big names from the blockchain industry have already started their blockchain adventure. I think that once more or less everyone will be there, blockchain won’t be a competitive argument anymore, companies will need to find something else to set themselves apart from the others…
Also, there might be regulatory issues (legal, financial or other), which, moreover, vary a lot depending on the country. Even though we’ve seen some progress in this field (more in some countries than the others), in general I feel like the authorities and regulators are not ready yet for the blockchain disruption.
Q. How did you manage to attain users, selling game elements before the initial launch of the game?
I can tell we were in the right place at the right time… we came with the promise of the “true ownership of digital assets” for game players and it was something the game community was waiting for.
Before becoming game elements, our cards were collectible items, with a proven and controlled scarcity and ownership. For many of our cards, an important element is also the story behind the illustration: we depicted lots of important events in the blockchain history and thus the cards became a part of the history on their turn.
Q. How has the whole metaverse ecosystem impacted the type of work you do?
I would say it adds a new dimension to our work. It is a new communication channel and a new dimension where the game itself and its users can evolve, both at the same time.
Q. Are there possibilities for any new and upcoming game developments that you’ll be able to add to the metaverse?
Absolutely! The Sandbox landsale is just the beginning of our “metadventure”. We are also working on a project in Cryptovoxels, we’ll reveal more in April!
Q. Where do you see EverdreamSoft in the next decade, what severe impact will you be able to make on the industry?
Our long-time experience allows us to foresee the industry trends and issues. We have a new project in the pipeline that will address one of the huge issues of today’s NFT market. I cannot disclose much more for the moment, but stay tuned ;)