The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing, part of Western University’s Ivey Business School, will be holding a conference on value investing on April 8, 2014 at the Fairmont Royal York in downtown Toronto to give investors and corporate executives a chance to “discuss and debate the principles, practices and various applications of value investing from a global context.”
Ben Graham Centre For Value Investing: Keynote speeches
The conference starts with a keynote speech from the director of the George W. Bush Institute’s Economic Growth Project, Amity Shlaes, followed by a talk from the CEO and chairman of WL Ross & Co. LLC, Wilbur Ross. In the afternoon there will be a series of shorter value investing sessions from Mohnish Pabrai, managing partner at Pabrai Investment Funds; Irwin A. Michael of I. A. Michael Investment Counsel Ltd; Richard H. Lawrence Jr., the chairman and executive director of Overlook Investments; James B. Rosenwald III, co-chair and senior portfolio manager (Asian Equities) at Dalton Investments LLC; and Srinivas Pulavarti, President and CIO of the UCLA Investment Company.
There will also be corporate executive sessions featuring George Chryssikos, CEO and chairman of Investment Committee Eurobank Properties REIC; Murray Edwards, CEO of Canadian Natural Resources; and Bruce Flatt, senior managing partner and CEO of Brookfield Asset Management Inc.
Executive and investor sessions give you the full picture
The combination of both types of sessions will give you a sense of how investors and executives see the same topic – shareholder value – from two very different perspectives. While both sides have similar goals – execs want to create shareholder value, and investors are looking for execs who consistently deliver on that goal – hearing both sides can give you a better appreciation of what it means for a company to have real value.
Tickets are $650 per seat ($600 for alums) until February 28, and then $800 per seat ($700 for alums) until registration closes on March 28, or $4,500 for a table of 8. As of this writing there are still plenty of tickets, but you’re still better off getting tickets in advance to take advantage of the early registration discount. For more information you can check out the event website or contact event coordinator Carly Vanderheyden.