Twitter & Facebook Continue To Battle For Social Media King

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The battle between Twitter and Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) has brought to light many facts about Internet usage, and marketing by developers. Both of these social networking giants have been scrambling to some up with the best marketing strategy, in order to maximize revenue. This scramble has led to the revelation of many things concerning the Internet’s usage.

 Twitter & Facebook Continue To Battle For Social Media King

Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the Internet 21 years ago, and no one knew at the time just how powerful this invention would become over time. He admitted, during an early interview regarding the Internet, that he had considered finding a way to make a profit from the invention. However, he elected to take a different path with the web, and without him making that choice, the whole world would be different today.

The economic impact that the web has made in the world, through the opening of new jobs, the ability to instantly transfer money, and the ease of communication around the world, would not be nearly as beneficial, had Lee decided to profit from his invention. This is a thought to take into consideration, as we watch the world of social networking begin to open and take hold in the world. Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) and Twitter have billions of users who utilize the networks to keep in touch with family and friends, and market their services and products.

How should these platforms of networking be used? Should they be used solely for a profit, or should they be designed with the user in mind? The choices made by the social networking companies to monetize their platforms, will have a lasting effect on both the personal lives of users, and the global economy. Therefore, the monetizing should be done with a careful planning and strategy, which will take into account the effect to be made on the world.

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