When China Rules the World
Interview with author Martin Jacques on how a rising China will shape the world
China’s rapid development is changing the world! But how will China’s rise shape all our futures? What do people around the globe think about China and its foreign policy? The second edition of “When China Rules the World” is a follow up to the original that was published under the same name back in 2012. To learn more, CCTV sat down with the author of the book “When China Rules the World” Martin Jacques. Jacques is a Senior Fellow in the “Department of Politics and International Studies” at Cambridge University, and a visiting Professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing.
Greatly revised and expanded, with a new afterword, this update to Martin Jacques’s global bestseller is an essential guide to understanding a world increasingly shaped by Chinese power
Soon, China will rule the world. But in doing so, it will not become more Western.
Since the first publication of When China Rules the World, the landscape of world power has shifted dramatically. In the three years since the first edition was published, When China Rules the World has proved to be a remarkably prescient book, transforming the nature of the debate on China.
Now, in this greatly expanded and fully updated edition, boasting nearly 300 pages of new material, and backed up by the latest statistical data, Martin Jacques renews his assault on conventional thinking about China’s ascendancy, showing how its impact will be as much political and cultural as economic, changing the world as we know it.
First published in 2009 to widespread critical acclaim – and controversy – When China Rules the World: The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order has sold a quarter of a million copies, been translated into eleven languages, nominated for two major literary awards, and is the subject of an immensely popular TED talk.