September 8 & 9, 2014 • Florence Gould Hall • New York, NY 10th Annual New York Value Investing Congress slides now available for our readers. All slides can be found below, as well as in speaker posts, which can be found here. Enjoy!
Apologizes for the temporary removal of the presentations but they are coming soon!!
Multiple ZONES of Optionality
Michael Kao, Akanthos Capital
Global Value Investment Opportunities
Alexander Roepers, Atlantic Investment Management
“Invert, Always Invert”: Finding Value Through Implied Expectations
Adam Crocker, Metropolitan Capital Advisors
Activist Investing in Korea
David Hurwitz, SC Fundamental
Are Equities Still the Best House in the Financial Asset Neighborhood?
Leon Cooperman, Omega Advisors
Are Equities Still the Best House in the Financial Asset Neighborhood LeonCooperman ValueInvestingCongress… by ValueWalk
Misunderstood Situations
Sahm Adrangi, Kerrisdale Capital Management
An Owner-operator to Rally Around
Marcelo P. Lima, Heller House
Shorting Against Blue Pill Investing
Carson Block, Muddy Waters Research
Opportunity India: Myth or Magic?
Amitabh Singhi, Surefin lnvestments
Off the Radar: More Underfollowed Gems
Guy Gottfried, Rational Investment Group
Off the Radar More Underfollowed Gems GutGottfried ValueInvestingCongress 9-8-14 (2)
Add a Little Ick to the Mix
Tim Eriksen, Eriksen Capital Management
The Myth of Zulia
Andrew Left, Citron Research
Using Board Dynamics to Enhance Shareholder Returns
Jeffrey Smith, Starboard Value, LP
Compounders & Engagement: A Double-Barreled Focus on Value Creation
John Lewis, Osmium Partners
The Education of a Value Investor
Guy Spier, Aquamarine Fund
Samsung Electronics: The Unsung Hero
Mike Wood, SumZero Contest Winner
Ignore the Noise — Focus on Priorities
Cliff Remily, Northwest Priority Capital
My Favorite Idea
Whitney Tilson, Kase Capital
Whitney Tilson: Lessons From a Dozen Years of Short Selling by ValueWalk
A Shareholder Activists Perspective on Bank Stock
Richard Lashley
A Shareholder Activists Perspective on Bank Stocks-Lashley-Value Investing Congress-4!3!14 by ValueWalk